Today's Gospel: Matthew 11:20-24

I can remember during my high school years when a teacher would spend a good deal of time on a particular subject. Pop quizzes would be given to see if we were paying attention and actually comprehending the given information. When we sometimes did poorly we would hear how we were going to fail the test and get a bad grade, potentially for the entire term. The result of our lack of focus and understanding would have been just with regards to whatever grade we would be receiving, which was most likely failure. Our teacher had spent a great deal of time to teach us and we were indifferent. Our teacher was trying to warn us and save us from falling behind, and to prepare us for what lay ahead.

In mercy, Jesus had done "mighty deeds" to show the people of Chorazin and Bethsaida who he was. He even said that the pagan cities of Tyre and Sidon would have long ago repented had they seen what he had done. He was letting them know that justice will come if you don't accept the mercy that is being freely given. He was trying to warn them, to prepare them, to help them.

How many times have we heard from someone we trust "hey, I'm not sure if that's necessarily the thing you want to do and here's why." However, in our pride we decide that we know better, they don't understand, or it's just not that simple. Often times afterward we will have the feeling that maybe we should have listened, especially if things didn't go our way.

Wouldn't it be easier to heed the warning of our Savior? Wouldn't it be easier to take His light yoke upon us and learn from Him?

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How can you better get to know our Lord in His mercy and justice?


Lord, you are the model of mercy and justice. Please help me to have the humility to heed Your warnings and live an upright life.


Copyright 2017 Michael Kotary

My name is Michael Kotary and I live outside of Kansas City with my wife of 15 years and 4 children. Because we move often and we have 4 kids we get the question "Are you military?" Or "Are you Mormon?" At that we usually smile and let them know about our wonderful faith.

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