"STYLE Savvy: Strategies for those with an I Know I Put it Somewhere Organizational Style" by Lisa Hess (CatholicMom.com) Via Pixabay (2013), CC0 Public Domain

Those with the I know I put it somewhere organizational style are arguably the tidiest of the Organizing by STYLE bunch. Driven by a need for clear spaces and neat appearances, these folks are better at putting things away than their cram and jam or drop and run counterparts.

The trouble is that any open drawer, shelf, nook or cranny is fair game, and, without a system, I know I put it somewhere organizers aren't as organized as they may look.

Still, they have the right idea, and a few tweaks can transform them from I know I put it somewhere to "I know exactly where I put it!"

  • When it comes to organizing, those with the I know I put it somewhere organizational style benefit from reminders. Clear storage, color-coded systems or even a master list can serve to remind them which storage spot (that seemed so perfect at the time) is the one they should be looking in now. Any step that I know I put it somewhere organizers can take in the direction of a plan or system will bring them one step closer to finding what they need when they need it.
  • Location plays a similarly important role when it comes to list-making. A designated drop spot, whether a desktop, the kitchen counter or the Notes app on a cell phone, can make the I know I put it somewhere organizer's lists more accessible, and therefore more useful as well.
  • In goal-setting, as with list-making, visibility and accessibility are important for the I know I put it somewhere organizer. Perhaps more important, however is storing all of the items for a particular project together in a consistent location (the same place every time). Nothing slows progress toward a goal faster than not being able to locate the things you need to take the next step.

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If you're an  I know I put it somewhere  organizer, what key ideas do you swear by? Share in the comments below.
For more ideas on the  I know I put it somewhere  organizational style, check out my original post.