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"The slippery slope" by David and Mercedes Rizzo (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dave and Mercedes Rizzo. All rights reserved.[/caption] So far this winter has been cold and icy. A big ice storm rolled in a couple of weeks ago and left all the paved surfaces coated and slick. Our driveway was a sheet of ice. The first step was the hardest. It was hard to get proper footing and when you stepped out you found yourself having to figure out how not to fall. We all got through it okay, but that's not always the case for those who have physical challenges or disabilities. Bad weather presents problems, especially for families with children who use wheelchairs or have gait and mobility challenges. Also, the extreme weather can pose difficulty for people with cognitive and language problems. Instructions meant to keep a child safe such as "walk slowly", "be careful", and "it's slippery" may be hard to understand. "The slippery slope" by David and Mercedes Rizzo (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dave and Mercedes Rizzo. All rights reserved.(CatholicMom.com)[/caption] Bad weather can become an opportunity to show charity and kindness towards others. If you see someone out and about having trouble, consider offering assistance. It can make a huge difference keeping someone safe. It will make you feel good too. You will know the satisfaction that comes from helping someone in need. In so doing we are given an opportunity to recognize Christ in others. When we do this we begin to see life as a prayer and work of mercy. This opens us up to the presence of God in our lives and reminds us that God calls us to pay attention to the needs of others. We can help by lifting up these needs in prayer when we notice them. Prayer motivates us to action and reminds us that we are called to do His work.
Copyright 2018 Dave and Mercedes Rizzo