The Gift of Humility:
My imperfection leads me to greater humility. I’m not talking about the “I’m not worthy” false kind of humility here. Facing utter failure is an awakening to understand more fully that we must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to help us face the duties and tasks in our lives. It is through the power of God that I am able to get back up and try again – or come to realize I should walk away. While it may take some time to get there, failure and facing imperfection teaches me to better discern God’s anointing on my life and seek to follow it.The Gift of Freedom:
Embracing my imperfection (without using it as an excuse for my vices) sets others free. If there is one gift I can give my children, it is the freedom to explore their gifts without fear. I can already see the performance anxiety sprouting in my oldest, and I want to quash that as best as we can. My failures provide fertile ground for that lesson. If we can set ourselves free of the need to always put our best foot forward and settle for just putting a foot forward, I am learning that we get much farther.The Gift of Grace:
Did anyone happen to see the clip of Chris Pratt at the MTV Movie & TV Awards that has gone viral? In it, he shares his nine rules of life. There are many golden moments, and a few silly ones as can be expected, but the one that sticks with me is number nine. Loosely paraphrased: don’t believe you are perfect – you are not. He shares with a captive audience that we were actually created to be imperfect so that grace could enter in. Now, I’m not going to get into a theological debate about that statement, but the sentiment is so very true. The gift of our imperfection is that we allow grace to bridge the gap. There is one last gift that our imperfection allows. When we are transparent in our weakness, it allows another to serve. Our imperfection allows another to flourish in the gift they’ve been given to share. When we lock ourselves away in a fortress of perfection, we deprive others the opportunity to thrive by serving (and we make ourselves miserable of course). How does the saying go? We rise by lifting others? If we don’t admit a need to be lifted, then we can never rise.How do you embrace and work within your imperfect gifts? How do you encourage that in others (and your children)?
Copyright 2018 Rahki McCormick
About the Author

Rakhi McCormick
Rakhi is a Catholic wife and mother who works in parish communications part-time while trying to keep up with her husband, three young children, and a growing creative business. She is a convert from Hinduism and spent many years working in young adult and campus ministry. Rakhi’s blog and artwork can be found at The Pitter Patter Diaries, where her mission is to share the love of Christ with the world.