Most of the recipes I post on CatholicMom.com are the result of wandering around my grocery store at about 3:30 on Friday afternoon searching for inspiration. On this particular Friday, the catch of the day was sheepshead, and I happened to find a nifty mushroom and green onion jack cheese. But those are hardly staples at every grocery chain, so don’t worry. This recipe will work with nearly any kind of fish, and regular jack cheese will do the trick.
Copyright 2018 Karen Ullo. All rights reserved.
Mushroom Jack Catch of the Day
For the fish:
2 fillets (about ¾ lb.) catch of the day – any medium-to-dark flesh fish will do, including sheepshead, black drum, redfish, or mahi mahi
Olive oil
Lemon juice
Red pepper flakes
Brush the bottom of a baking pan with oil, then add the fish. Brush the fish with oil. Drizzle with lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste. Bake at 375 for about 20 minutes (cooking time will vary by type of fish and size of the fillets).
For the sauce:
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
3 green onions, chopped
~4 oz. sliced baby bella mushrooms
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup white wine
½ cup shredded jack cheese
While the fish is cooking, heat the oil in a skillet, then add garlic, onions, and mushrooms. Sauté until wilted, then add the wine. Reduce about 5 minutes. Remove the fish from the oven when fully cooked. Pour the sauce over the fish, then add the cheese. Return to the oven until melted. Serve immediately. Enjoy!
What's cooking? Find all our Meatless Friday featured recipes here.
Copyright 2018 Karen Ullo
About the Author

Karen Ullo
Karen Ullo is the multi-award-winning author of Jennifer the Damned, Cinder Allia, and To Crown with Liberty. She’s also the editorial director of Chrism Press, wife, mom of two boys, and a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Find her on the web at KarenUllo.com.