Image via Pixabay (2017), CC0 Public Domain; title added in Canva.[/caption]
You’ve journeyed with us from pitching a new show to CatholicTV to getting the green light to flying out to Boston to actually film the 10-episode first season, and now … the time has finally come!
Back on October 1, the series premiere of Repent & Submit hit screens everywhere through CatholicTV,, and the CatholicTV app, and it’s been a surreal and absolutely awesome experience each and every day since!
If you think hearing your voice on a recording is awkward, consider how it must feel to see yourself up on a high-definition television screen! I’ve noticed every weird movement of my mouth when I talk that I’d never noticed before, my increasingly terrible posture (I literally sat up straight while typing that part of the sentence), and every other previously hidden-from-the-spotlight piece of me that makes me self-conscious on a daily basis. Beyond all that, however, I’ve also felt so blessed to sit back and watch the product we made become a reality, the incredibly slick graphics, and the fast-paced format of a show that we hope ushers in a change to mainstream Catholic television and Catholic media in general.
What we’ve tried to do is create a fun show where viewers can tune in and see themselves reflected in the content. Steve the Missionary and I engage in the same conversations we have in real life, often over a beverage, and try to showcase that while we can have wildly differing opinions on matters within the Catholic Faith, we can still wrap things up as friends who have learned a little bit about the other side in the process.
Copyright 2018 Tommy Tighe
Should you kneel when you visit a parish where everyone else is standing during the consecration? Does the typical music present in today’s Catholic parishes aid us in our worship or distract us from placing our attention on the one true God? Does drinking black coffee break the pre-Eucharist fast?!?!Most of the topics we discussed are light-hearted ones on which Catholics in good faith can disagree, but we also engage on some more serious issues through the season.
Are faith and science diametrically opposed? What’s the best way to ensure young voices are heard at the parish level? How can we accompany those who are going through separation and divorce with love and care?If you’re interested in seeing something completely different in the Catholic television landscape, you’ve got to tune in to Repent & Submit on CatholicTV! You can catch new episodes every Wednesday at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT on CatholicTV,, or the CatholicTV app (available for all devices and smart TVs), or binge the show via the website or app while you’re up at 3:00 AM trying to rock your baby back to sleep! And most importantly, interact with us in the comments down below and on social media to share your thoughts on the show, ideas for topics we can discuss on the next season, and anything else you want to let us know!
Copyright 2018 Tommy Tighe
About the Author
Tommy Tighe
Tommy is a Catholic husband, father of four boys, and the author of The Catholic Hipster Handbook (available now!).