As an avid reader, there is nothing more that I enjoy than a good book. I’ve put together a list of five of my favorite reads from this year for you to put on your “to read” list or give as gifts to your family and friends!
Breakthrough: A Journey from Desperation to Hope by Fr. Rob Galea
For weeks my parents had been telling me about this parish mission they had at my hometown parish in St. John, Indiana and this priest who came from Australia; Fr. Rob Galea. His story from a rebel teen living in Malta to a becoming a priest had me intrigued, so I decided to check out his book. I have to say, this was my favorite read this year! In Breakthrough, Fr. Rob shares his conversion story and his journey through seminary, to becoming a guitar-playing priest who tried out for the X-Factor, Australia. He interwove nuggets of wisdom on a variety of topics such perseverance in prayer, what its like to be a priest during the terrible scandals, and how he deals with the grief of parishioners when suicide impacts their family. The story is so real and fresh, you’ll become an instant fan of his work and music. Check out more about Fr. Galea on his website.
Choose Hope by Brooke Taylor
We live in a world plagued by anxiety, isolation, pain and worry. Hope is the theological virtue that helps us “desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help and the grace of the Holy Spirit (CCC 1817). I was blessed to contribute to this 52 week devotional is authored by an ecumenical community of Christian writers including Lisa Hendey, Jeff Cavins, Emily Jaminet, Rebecca Dussault, and many other amazing men and women who share how they cling to Hope in times of difficulty. This follow-up to last year's Choose Joy is my go-to for Sunday morning. A short excerpt from the scripture readings and reflection is perfect for preparation for Mass.
Side By Side; A Mother Daughter Journal by Lori & Ava Ubowski
I was blessed to be part of this journal while it was just a seed of an idea, and selfishly, I wanted Lori to write it so I can use it with my girls! With a teen and an 8-year-old who crave one-on-one time, this journal has been the perfect addition to our home library. We love sitting together each night, getting to know each other better, learning about the saints and scriptures, and sharing our hearts.
10 Wonders of the Rosary by Fr. Donald Calloway
When this book arrived at my doorstep, I thought I already knew all the miracles of the Rosary stories … but I could not have been more wrong. From the second I read the foreword from Bishop Athanasius Schneider, I was hooked. He writes:
Copyright 2018 Michele Faehnle
What are the most prominent attacks against the Church today, vicious, demonic attacks that seek to eliminate the Christian faith from the earth? They are many, but the specific forms in which they manifest themselves are the increased and orchestrated Islamization of the western world; the dictatorship of gender idealology; and the redefinition of marriage and the family. With these attacks, the Savior of the world himself is ridiculed and mocked. Yet we should not be discouraged or afraid. We possess the most powerful spiritual weapon in heaven’s arsenal: the holy rosary!This easy read helps you understand the origin of the Rosary, its spiritual power, and several miracles attributed to the Rosary. Chock-full of quotes by bishops, popes and saints, this is a book you don’t want to miss. Read an excerpt. Catholic Mother’s Planner by Chiara Finaldi While this technically isn’t a “read,” this planner is a must have for Catholic moms! I’m an electronic calendar girl; however, I realized with my personal schedule, work schedule, kids' schedules, speaking schedule, blogging schedule, and other things I need to keep track of, I also needed to have a paper calendar so I could look out across the weeks to keep it all straight. This planner is absolutely beautiful and incredibly well done. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! This planner includes:
- 2019 diary - week to a double-page spread
- Inspirational quotes from saints and scripture for each week
- Reminders for important saints' days, feasts, fasts and seasons
- Sunday reading references for the whole liturgical year
- Start and end dates for special prayers and novenas
- Prayers section with new and classic prayers to learn and recite with all the family
- Activities for all the family connected to the liturgical year
- Recipes for feasts, saints' days, and special times of year
- and much, much more!
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Copyright 2018 Michele Faehnle
About the Author
Michele Faehnle
Michele Faehnle is a wife, mother of 4 and a school nurse. In her free time she enjoys volunteering for the church and is the co-chair of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference. She is also the co-author of The Friendship Project, Divine Mercy For Moms, Our Friend Faustina and Pray Fully; Simple Steps to Becoming a Woman of Prayer. Read more of her work at