And God made me! I am special and loved! I am a child of my Father above! My Father listens to all that I say. I talk to God. I can pray every day.Each section of the book provides examples of how and when a child might talk to God using this type of prayer. A note to parents, guardians, and teachers at the end of the book explains that teaching children to pray spontaneously sets the stage for them to learn the traditional prayers of the Church as they grow. (Pauline Books & Media)

It is time to receive Jesus' Body in the host, and Jesus' Blood from the chalice. When I am old enough, I can receive Jesus too! ... I pray: Jesus, I love you very much! Amen.With cute illustrations by Mernie Gallagher-Cole, this book is perfect for children in kindergarten and first grade who are curious about what's happening at Mass. Read it with them during the week, then let them bring the book to church to focus their attention on the different parts of Mass. (Pauline Books & Media)

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About the Author

Barb Szyszkiewicz
Barb Szyszkiewicz, senior editor at CatholicMom.com, is a wife, mom of 3 young adults, and a Secular Franciscan. Barb enjoys writing, cooking, and reading, and is a music minister at her parish. Find her blog at FranciscanMom and her family’s favorite recipes with nutrition information at Cook and Count. Barb is the author of The Handy Little Guide to Prayer and The Handy Little Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours, available from Our Sunday Visitor.