The life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me (Galatians 3:20).Remembering His sacrifice will help your resolve as Lent comes to an end. Sticking to your original resolutions might be easier if we follow these recommendations:
- Say an arrow prayer the next time you are tempted to eat that dessert or skip daily Mass to get over the tough moment – something as simple as “Help Me Jesus” or an Our Father.
- Attend the Stations of the Cross at your church – seeing the stages of Jesus’ torture and death can boost your resolve to sacrifice just a little longer in thanksgiving to Him.
- Put a reminder of your resolutions on a sticky note somewhere you can see it daily to give you a push and some accountability.
- Plan to attend the services during Holy Week – let your priest wash your feet Thursday night to make you humble and stronger to keep your resolutions.
- Read the Passion story from any of the Gospels and feel the pain Jesus felt.
- Allow yourself to be stripped of your selfish vices like Jesus was stripped of His belongings, His dignity and His life (Matthew 27:27-28).
- Pray a little extra, especially when tempted, like Jesus did in the Garden. Add a daily Rosary to your routine.
- Add an alert to your phone at a specific time during your day to give yourself a reminder of your resolutions.
- Pick a virtue you would like to improve on and focus on that for 1 week.
- There is still time to do an extra volunteer service hour in your community.
- Forgive/Ask forgiveness from that person you have been meaning to all Lent.
- Do one random act of kindness today.
- Attend Reconciliation to open your heart a little extra for the coming Holy Season.
Copyright 2019 Colleen Mallette
About the Author

Colleen Mallette
Colleen is the proud mother of three young adults. She loves being a full-time stay-at-home mom and a part-time bookkeeper for her husband. She likes to read, write, scrapbook, and volunteer, and is excited to use her talents to share God’s love and the hope of His promises through CatholicMom.com. Colleen is co-author of “In Godʼs Hands, Miracles in the Lives of Moms” and blogs at Colleen's Contemplations.