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"What would Jesus do?" by Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com) "What would Jesus do?" by Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com)[/caption] One of the greatest struggles of any Christian is the following question: What would Jesus do? This question has captivated Christian merchandise and marketing professionals too. At one point in the '90s, people tried to turn WWJD into “What Would Jesus Drive.” The point of this was to ponder if Jesus would drive SUVs due to their price and high gas consumption. This fad ended quickly — perhaps because Jesus only drove a donkey and not a Dodge Durango. In the 90’s, the “What Would Jesus Do” marketing blitz occurred. Many of us in youth groups rushed to bookstores to get WWJD bracelets and necklaces. T-shirts and hats were also a big hit; however, the bracelets were the classic in many youth groups. We wore our attire proudly, but the deeper meaning behind WWJD is something we probably missed in the moment. Please understand I’m not making fun of the WWJD movement. I believe a lot of good came out of this movement. Teenagers and children were excited about church and proud to wear jewelry that reflected their faith. I just want us to go deeper than catchphrases and slogans. Let me challenge you today in reflecting on what it means to think “WWJD”:
  • How would Jesus think in your current situation? He wouldn’t judge, condemn, or jump to conclusions. He would pause and pray to the Father. Remember, during the most stressful times before His crucifixion, He still made time to go off and pray.
  • Your words in your response are critical. Are you responding in love and truth? Jesus always responded in love; it was His only agenda. Examine yourself and your agenda before responding.
  • The presence of Jesus (in us) as we minister to others is key. The world doesn’t need more of me. It needs more of Jesus. In the words of Henri J.M. Nouwen: “The question, you see, is not to prepare but to live in a state of ongoing preparedness so that, when someone who is drowning in the world comes into your world, you are ready to reach out and help. It may be four o’clock, six o’clock, or nine o’clock. One time you call it preaching, the next time teaching, then counseling, or later administration. But let them be part of your life in God—-that’s ministering” (“Time Enough to Minister” in Leadership).
  • Look for more opportunities. Don’t burn yourself out saving the world, but don’t be a couch potato either. Selfishness is doing nothing for others. Burnout is over serving even if your intent is pure. Practice self-care. Balance is key as life with God is a journey — not a race.

Copyright 2019 Jason D Weirich