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Courtesy of WordOnFire.org. All rights reserved.[/caption] Over the course of Catholic history, there have lived people who were so influential, so pioneering, that it's hard to imagine what the Church would look like without them. In 2016, I began filming CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players to trace the steps and explore the lives of some of these remarkable historical figures. To celebrate the impact of these pivotal players, I'd like to invite you to a free online screening event. From May 10-15th, my Word on Fire team will be screening all six episodes of CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players, Vol. I at PivotalPlayers.com/free-screening. I hope you'll join me on this global adventure to live the stories of some of the Church's greatest men and women, and to discover the beauty of Catholicism that they exemplify.
Copyright 2019 Bishop Robert Barron