Belt of Truth (book #1 in the Armor of God series) by Theresa Linden weaves action, suspense, lessons in morality and relatable characters into a story that will captivate children. Although he lives in medieval times, George Pennington faces the same temptations that any young boy would. In Belt of Truth, George learns how attempting to sneak out of his bedroom one night causes him to give in to the temptation to lie, the uncomfortable guilt that comes with living that lie, and how his little lies only snowball into much bigger problems at Knight School. I have been reading George’s story together with my children, ages six, eight, and ten, and they are immediately captivated every time we start a new chapter. The story is engaging, leading my children through the fanciful world of knights and dragons while keeping its characters believable. My children often interject their own comments about what the characters are doing and the moral dilemmas they are facing. Belt of Truth gives lessons on the consequences of lying through the art of storytelling. After every two chapters, there is a very short “Catechism Lesson” that presents a bite-sized morsel of our faith for children to ponder in their hearts. The Armor of God series is especially appropriate for children preparing to receive the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time. Boys and girls alike will be enthralled by Belt of Truth. My children are entertained by the story, and I love the lessons they are absorbing. Our family is already looking forward to reading the other five books in the Armor of God series!

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Copyright 2019 Charisse Tierney