Book-Notes-720-x-340-dark-gold-outline-and-medium-blue-pen-_-Notes-light-blue-702x336 From Fire, by Water: My Journey to the Catholic Faith By Sohrab Ahmari, Ignatius Press Who doesn’t love a good conversion story? New York Post and Catholic Herald editor Sohrab Ahmari satisfies that craving with vulnerable yet crisp journalistic flair in his memoir, From Fire by Water: My Journey to the Catholic Faith from Ignatius Press. Ahmari chronicles his life and faith: from his youth spent under the Islamist ayatollahs in Iran, to disillusionment with God and religion in the shape of teenage vows of atheism, to a rebellion-fueled tryst with Marxism, leading providentially to an encounter with the Eucharistic Lord in the Mass. I found Ahmari’s memoir compelling and was struck by how much I resonated with his conversion to the Catholic faith. His ideological journey, perhaps surprisingly, mirrors my own despite our vastly different cultural and geographic backgrounds. I grew up with an awareness of religion, though its influences were not strong nor authentic in any adult role model and, ever the seeker, drove into the great world faiths on a desperate quest for Truth. My adolescence also veered down the same path as Ahmari’s as I dabbled in Marxism, atheism, and humanism before encountering God in unremarkable and quiet ways. Ahmari’s is the conversion story for the hazy transition generation where Gen X-ers and Millennials coexist. Convert or cradle-Catholic; Gen-X, Millennial, and Baby-boomers alike, Ahmari’s masterful storytelling will grip any reader immediately and intimately in this poignant and timely memoir.

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Copyright 2019 Amanda Torres