- Continue with daily Mass and weekly Adoration. Start to layer in the Liturgy of the Hours for the first time.
- Continue monthly dates with my husband and focus on better prioritizing daily time alone -- even if just for ten minutes.
- More hikes or walks around town as a family. I have identified a time and days when I want to commit to walking each week.
- Regularly color, paint, or do other creative activities with my girls.
- Playing games and watching movies with my girls.
- Nurturing the faith of my girls -- one-time events such as camps, as well as ongoing interactions (using resources such as Walking With Purpose for my older girls and Loyola Press faith formation programs for my younger girls). I would like to spend one hour a week one-on-one with my four older girls.

Take Action:
- What have you discerned fills you up?
- What prevents you from (or makes it challenging to) consistently prioritize those layers of your life?
- Who can help you to look at the many good options/possibilities in your life and make choices that will most align with the deepest longings of your heart?
Copyright 2019 Amanda Villagómez
About the Author

Amanda Villagómez
Amanda Villagómez is a wife, mom of 6, and teacher educator. On her personal site, she focuses on the beauty of becoming who God created us to be by celebrating the process of change and growth.