- Prepare the Track Board
- Take the Citizen cards with no player number. Add in Citizen cards that have the total number of players or less on them. Shuffle them to form a face-down stack that goes above the top-right area of the board. Deal out five cards face-up to the left of the stack.
- Place 20 Knights in the bottom right corner of the board below the Hero’s Tomb.
- Take Privilege I and II tiles that are unnumbered and shuffle them with the tiles that have the total number of players or less on them. Draw and place three Level I tiles face up. Do the same for the Level II tiles. Place the remaining ones in two stacks next to the track board.
- Prepare the Main Board
- Separate Monster cards by Lair. Form a stack for each Lair that goes 4 shuffled Monsters, 1 Lair Card, and 1 Boss card.
- On the four corners of the board, place a certain number of Gems, Stone, Wood, and Magic based on the player count.
- Take eight Knights from the Track Board and place one in each Location.
- Place Gold in the center of the Main Board.
- Player Setup: Give each player their matching components composed of a Player Board, Margrave, four Influence markers, one Ship, four Ward Towers, four Starter Citizen cards, and one Reference card. Also give them one Strength tracker (placed on the zero space of their Player Board) and one Gem from the Main Board.
- Each player will place their Margrave in the Shilina location and their Ship on the Shipping Track of the Main Board. The four Ward Towers and one Gem will be placed in the storage slots of their Player Board.
- Starting Cards: Shuffle the Start Cards and deal four to every player. Players draft cards one at a time, passing cards to their left. Once you have chosen three of the four cards, the fourth card is discarded, and you are rewarded with the items pictured on your cards.

- Activate the Pennant – There are three icons in the pennant. Going from top to bottom, you may perform the action associated with each icon. These actions including gaining gold, resources, or strength as well as moving your Margrave or deploying a Knight.
- Activate the Citizen Power – Like the above power, you perform the mandatory actions in order, and may choose to perform the optional actions, such as slaying a Monster, deploying a Knight, or exchanging resources.
- Activate the Recall Power – Play any Citizen card from your hand face-down. Discard one Citizen card from the line above the Track Board, removing it from the game. Next, pick up the Citizen cards and place them back in your hand. Lastly, you may pay gold to hire a new Citizen.
- Activate the Build Power – Play any Citizen card from your hand face-down. Pay one stone, one wood, one magic, and one gem from your storage to place a Ward Tower from your Player Board to one of the three building slots in your Margraves’ current location. Next, gain the reward in the slot where you placed your Ward Tower. Last, gain three Influence on your Influence tracks. Note: Building your fourth and final Ward Tower triggers the last round of the game.

See all our Family Game Night articles here.
Copyright 2019 Stuart Dunn Your purchase of the resources mentioned here through Amazon affiliate links benefits the author of this article.
About the Author

Stuart Dunn
Stuart Dunn was born and raised in Mobile, AL and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Business Administration from the University of South Alabama. Stuart reviews all things Catholic including adult books, children’s books, Bible Study series, Catholic Courses, CDs, and DVDs in addition to board games at his blog Stuart’s Study at StuartsStudy.blogspot.com.