4 Tips for Trust in the Midst of Time
What is the key to that kind of trust which puts to flight the fear and anxiety of the “go-go-go”?- Be with people. Have you ever noticed that when you are laughing with friends, all the fears and worries that were creeping up on you earlier seem manageable? A hug, a smile, holding hands -- all bring camaraderie to us in the fray. Likewise, when we begin to let the person’s presence affect us and we allow ourselves to really be with and take notice of a good person, we realize that God is here.
- See your life from various perspectives. Going on a trip or a night out for dinner or a visit to a friend’s house can sometimes shake up our perspectives enough that we can trust more freely. However, sometimes that trust needs to happen right in the middle of a frenetic moment. Imagine that you are in an airplane, looking down at where you are right now. Or that you are an ant glancing up at yourself. A quick change in perspective can really loosen the grip of time-based anxiety. Also, try imagining that you look back on this moment a year from now, or even from Heaven.
- Experience nature. Walking barefoot in the grass, going for a hike, or swimming in a lake all connect us to the natural work of God in His constant act of creating and sustaining. Even a momentary glance up at the clouds swirling overhead in the sky can help you to be more open to trust.
- Make a consistent “quiet time.” When you carve out time for reading Scripture, personal prayer, going to adoration or just resting in God’s presence, you are acknowledging the primacy of a Sabbath worship that is not slave to anything on this world. You can carry that freedom with you throughout the day.
My Prayer
Yes, Lord, I will trust in Your timing. In many senses. I will trust in You during the fast-paced times. I will trust in You when I can’t even get done 1% of what I wanted to do in a day. I will trust You when I am slow. I will trust You with my dreams, desires, and to-do-list expectations. I will look to Your saints and to Your children to show me the way. Time is Yours. Do as You please. Let me please You as I do what I can.Copyright 2019 Carrie Soukup
About the Author

Carrie Soukup
Carrie Soukup writes and teaches courses at GraceFinders.com, to help others connect intimately with God in and through the craziness of life. Author of two books on prayer, she has served as a curriculum writer, campus minister, high school theology teacher, and retreat director. On a great day, you can find her hiking, cycling, or eating chocolate with her husband and four children.