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"Spreading inspiration" by Tami Kiser (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2019 Tami Kiser. All rights reserved.[/caption] Have you ever come across a painted rock while in the park or a nature trail? We've seen them many places and sure enough, they do bring a smile to my face. I love the thought of someone doing both a random act of kindness along with a random act of creativity. These painted rocks left in surprising places do both. With every one of these rocks we've seen, my daughter and I always look at each other and say something like, "We need to do this," or "Let's make our own someday." Well, that "someday" finally came. I will admit it took a too-hot-to-spend-time-outside Sunday for us to spend an enjoyable afternoon coming up with inspiring sayings, and then painting them onto rocks. What a perfect Sabbath activity. We had conversations about what would be a nice message for people to see. And what message could serve as a reminder that God does love them. What could give people just a small sliver of hope? Sometimes just a peek of sunlight is all people need. "Spreading inspiration" by Tami Kiser (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2019 Tami Kiser. All rights reserved.[/caption] ​Surprisingly, the most fun came when we got to deliver the rocks to their places. My daughter did not want to go to a nearby park -- although I thought that was the plan from the beginning. Instead, she wanted to have these little messages go out into our own neighborhood. It sort of reminded me of Ding Dong Ditch -- you know, when you ring the neighbor's doorbell and run. But we did not ring any doorbells. Instead, we'd sneak up into our neighbors' yards and where there were other decorative rocks, planters, or pathways, we'd leave a message on a rock. And just as quickly, turn and run back to the sidewalk no one knowing the wiser. Mischief managed! I wouldn't recommend this approach in just any neighborhood, particular if there would be barking dogs involved, but knowing all of the neighbors where you want to place rocks helps. Here is a video from our Catholic Craft series on YouTube that captured the whole experience, even the delivery! https://youtu.be/ExelECVHvFA
Copyright 2019 Tami Kiser