Thousands of men are breaking free from porn with Cardinal Studios’ STRIVE
Thousands of men from across the U.S. and internationally have committed to break free from pornography with STRIVE by Matt Fradd. Now even more men can break the debilitating chains of pornography because STRIVE is available at no cost for a limited time. In the past three weeks alone, parishes, dioceses and organizations have ordered more than 150,000 access cards for confessionals. “Porn affects men of all ages and all demographics. So many are silently suffering and ashamed to bring this out into the light, and STRIVE provides the anonymous platform for them to do just that,” said Matt Fradd, the series author and presenter. “The impact we’re seeing is so encouraging. We’re elated that we now can offer this life-changing course for free.”
Copyright 2019 Carmel Communications
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