Book-Notes-720-x-340-dark-gold-outline-and-medium-blue-pen-_-Notes-light-blue-702x336 In children’s Christian literature, there tend to be two extremes. On one end, you have beautifully illustrated, cute books that have little substance. On the other extreme, you have cumbersome sermons on paper that lack visual appeal and fail to hold children’s attention. In God’s Wildest Wonderment of All, however, Paul Thigpen has created a Christian children’s book in the happy medium. He incorporates some deep theological concepts in a way children can understand. In this book, children see that God made all creation, humans have a special place in that creation, and that God has a plan, even if we don’t understand that plan. God's Wildest Wonderment of All This book also does well artistically. John Folley’s beautiful, old-timey style illustrations are so sweet and really add to the book. Plus, I always appreciate any children’s book that has good rhyme and rhythm. It makes reading out loud so much more enjoyable. The only downside was the vocabulary level. Some of the words might be unknown to a younger audience. For instance, I had to stop and explain to my 5-year-old what “fathom” meant. Of course, learning new vocabulary is a good thing, but it disrupted the reading a bit. All things considered, I’d recommend God’s Wildest Wonderment of All to anyone looking for a theologically rich, artistically appealing book for a young child.

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Copyright 2019 Monica Portogallo