- Lent requires fasting. Motherhood requires sacrificing or “giving up” parts of ourselves.
- Lent requires more devotion to prayer. In motherhood we pray for our children, or pray we don’t lose our tempers.
- Lent is about almsgiving. Motherhood is about giving of our time, talents, and treasure.
- Give up bad attitudes. When I’m in a bad mood my family recognizes it immediately and it changes the scene of our home. It’s not a sin to feel angry or upset but the action that comes along with it can lead to less than Godly behavior. For Lent give up your reaction to less than appealing situations of motherhood. Don’t scream when the cheerios spill all over the ground; rather, be grateful that your kid has more than enough food to eat. Changing the way we react to situations can have a very powerful effect. (fasting)
- Pray in the everyday. Praying during your day-to day task is both a blessing and a new opportunity for growth. Try to incorporate prayer while serving your motherhood vocation or in ways that you might already use your time. I pray the Rosary while walking the neighborhood for exercise or on mini trips with my family, or while I’m making dinner. What better way to practice motherhood than to ask for the Blessed Mother’s intercession? (prayer)
- Give your time. While almsgiving certainly suggest giving monetarily, it can also be a time of giving of oneself. Give some of your attention to an activity your kids enjoy. Put your phone down and give your ear to your child and listen to what has gone on in their day. (almsgiving & fasting)
- Give up reluctance. The pile of laundry in my living room has been siting for a solid two weeks as clothes are picked through and more is added to the pile. It’s easy for me to look at laundry as a tedious chore, but if I approach it with love, then my sacrifice of doing household chores is not a sacrifice but a gift to pay forward to my family. (fasting)
- Give thanks. As mothers we already give of ourselves. Do we need to give more? Recognize that your gifts of motherhood are part of the role God destined for you. Thank God for your role as a mother. (almsgiving)
- Read the Bible with your family. Instead of watching TV one night, Share a story in the Gospel about Jesus’ life. Read with your children. (prayer & fasting)
- Ask for God’s guidance. We don’t just pray during Lent, rather we should all the time, yet during this season, ask for the Holy Spirit’s direction to support our motherly vocation. (prayer)
- Abstain from false talk or gossip. As mom’s being centered around conversations of “hearsay” offers temptations of gossip and keeping up with the latest news.” Give up the desire to know what others are doing/not doing. (fasting)
- Give up unhealthy habits. Get rest, eat healthy, move your body. Abstaining from things that hinder our self-care can be a form of fasting. I’ve made a commitment to exercise more during this Lent. That may not seem like a traditional Lenten practice but for me taking the time means giving up my time from something else. (fasting)
- Ask your children what they can find in service. Take them to a place where they can volunteer like a homeless shelter or cleaning the pews in the church. Write letters to each other of thanksgiving, giving of oneself in service provides abundant blessings and joy. (almsgiving)
- Donate. Have your kids clean out their rooms and donate unused toys or clothes to those in need. As a parent we can show them through service we are giving not just monetarily but in many aspects. (almsgiving)
- Pray for your family. You may do this already, but during Lent offer up a special prayer for them or say a special devotion or Rosary. (prayer)
Copyright 2020 Andrea Bear
About the Author

Andrea Bear
Andrea Bear is a wife, mom, and teacher in Stockton, California. In addition to CatholicMom.com, she also writes for HerLife Magazine and Catholic Stand. She recently completed her debut novel, Grieving Daughters Club. When she's not writing or taking her kids to volleyball practice you can find her sipping coffee from the neighborhood coffee establishments or tasting wine from the local vineyards. Visit AndreaBearAuthor.com.