Catholic Central hosts Kaiser Johnson and Libby Slater. Copyright 2017 Family Theater Productions. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption]
Copyright 2020 Family Theater Productions
CATHOLIC CENTRAL: It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore
Teachers are assigning their students to watch and discuss episodes of Catholic Central, and we couldn’t be happier about that. But we’d like to encourage moms and dads, older siblings and online youth groups to join in, too. Our show is fresh and witty, and you just might learn something new. Be sure to head to for downloadable resources. Copyright 2020 Catholic Central/Family Theater Productions. All rights reserved.[/caption]‘The Liturgical Year’ Walks You Through the Next 12 Months – Catholic-Style
Just because it’s now Monday, do you think Easter’s over? Oh, no, it’s just getting started. Today begins Eastertide, a 50-day period that goes all the way to Pentecost Sunday on May 31. Beginnings, ends, and the in-between: we experience them in everyday life, but Catholics also have a calendar that serves as a guide to navigating them while getting closer to Christ, explained here in ‘Catholic Central: The Liturgical Year.’ What are the Catholic seasons? How can they help us throughout life? Deeper
- How might following the liturgical year better help connect the life of Christ with your everyday life?
- Do you notice any connections between the changing natural seasons and the different liturgical seasons?
- Do you notice that certain times of year make you feel a certain way? Is there a connection between those feelings or experiences and Christ’s own human journey?
What do you notice about the season of life that you’re in right now? Are there areas of fruition to give thanks to God for? Are there areas to await new life springing forth with hopeful expectancy? What times in the life of Jesus might you connect with your current circumstances during this season?Reflection
Watch Groundhog Day. Can you imagine life as the same thing day after day after day? Or as could be argued, that those without the Catholic faith and its religious holidays and saints’ days to look forward to may “over-celebrate” civic holidays. (It’s no coincidence that the movie doesn’t take place on any religious day, but a civic holiday.) Perhaps, working parents, whose years aren’t naturally marked and broken up by school semesters, can explain the value of liturgical seasons to their school-age children.Copyright 2020 Family Theater Productions
About the Author
Catholic Central
“Catholic Central” hosts Kai and Libby take their Catholic faith seriously but not themselves, entertaining and informing viewers on Church history and doctrine. Fun and fact-filled, Gabriel Award-winning episodes address a wide range of topics and questions. We want to be central to your faith. Watch, laugh and learn!