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[caption id="attachment_127510" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Catholic Central Catholic Central hosts Kaiser Johnson and Libby Slater. Copyright 2017 Family Theater Productions. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption]

This week’s collection of episodes from “Catholic Central” tackles weighty subjects like Church doctrine, the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, transubstantiation (say that three times fast), matrimony and blessings for the sick. Libby also wears a pillbox hat and teases Kai for not ironing his T-shirt (just in case you thought we were getting too serious). Downloadable resources and more at CatholicCentral.com! 

[caption id="attachment_170834" align="aligncenter" width="800"]CC-Anointing Copyright 2020 Catholic Central/Family Theater Productions. All rights reserved.[/caption]

Understanding That Anointing the Sick Is for All of Us  

At this difficult time, with many churches not open for public worship and social distancing in force, this Sacrament may be more difficult to obtain than normal. But, it’s not just for those in dire straits. Anyone suffering can receive the blessing and its benefits.  

[tweet "Anointing of the Sick is not just for those in dire straits. Anyone suffering can receive the blessing and its benefits. By @CatholicC_TV"]

In “Catholic Central: Anointing of the Sick,” Kai and Libby look at what might be one of the least visible and most misunderstood sacraments. Who is it for? What is it supposed to accomplish? Should we assume that if a priest comes to anoint us it means our time is almost up? Kai and Libby walk us through what it means and why Catholics have it. 


Diving Deeper  

  1. The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick doesn’t always take away someone’s illness or suffering. Why do you think God allows this? Have you ever experienced something positive coming from an illness?

  1. According to the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, the “primary effect” of the Anointing of the Sick is spiritual healing in the form of peace and courage. Have you ever felt peace and courage in the midst of something challenging? Have you ever been inspired by seeing those gifts in someone else? 

  1. One of the components of the Anointing of the Sick is laying on of hands, which is how Jesus healed people. Why do you think he chose to heal people in this way? What are the benefits to it?


Know anyone suffering from anxiety? What are some things you could do to bring them courage and peace? 


Read up on the life of the St. André Bessette. You will probably learn he was a saint for the sick and reportedly miraculous healed many who sought his intercession while he walked the earth and after he died. St. Andre was not even ordained a priest, but served as a humble porter at St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Canada, a basilica and national shrine. How might you use your baptism in a similar manner to that of St. André? 

Copyright 2020 Family Theater Productions