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When Rose Folsom learned the real reason gossip is bad, she found three ways that helped her stop it.

I always thought it was okay to talk behind someone’s back if what I said was true.


When I discovered the virtues 30 years ago, I learned exactly when it IS okay to say negative things about someone (in court, as a parent, or as a boss — whenever it is actually helpful to the person and the common good).

I also learned the unexpected reason why saying negative things about someone elsewhere is harmful — and how to change my habit of gossiping. This 4-minute video lets you in on the real scoop — with tips to overcome the habit. Think of it as “Gossip 101.”

Gossip 101: The real scoop, and 3 tips to overcome the habit. #catholicmom

3 Cures for Gossip from Rose Folsom on Vimeo.


Copyright 2020 Rose Folsom
Image: Shutterstock; licensed by author