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Michelle Nott shares an ode to moms and a litany for the back-to-school season. Print out a copy of the litany to share.

If you are in the season of motherhood with school-aged kids, then I know how you feel. Either your kids are back in school already or have their first day coming up soon.  

My kids start Friday, and I have mixed feelings. I have been enjoying being able to stay in bed later most days, and not stressing in the morning to get everyone out the door and to school on time. But if I’m completely honest, I am ready for the kids to be back at school too.  

I’m also a little nervous about this upcoming year. This is the first year that my daughter will be receiving ABA therapy, and I will be like a taxicab driver, taking the kids to their schools and appointments.  

But I also have to stop and think about where I was just a few years ago. I was a stay-at-home mom to three young toddlers, wishing for the day when my kids would be old enough to attend school because it would give me the motivation and excuse to get out of the house and possibly meet other people.  

Now I’m in the full swing of life with school-aged kids. This is what I wished for. This is what I prayed for. So, while life will be busy, I am also thankful that it is!  




Ode to the moms 

While I know we all have our own struggles, I want you to know that I see you, Mom! And you’re doing great.  

To the moms who are out of the house more than they are in it, I feel your exhaustion and admire your dedication to your family. 

To the moms who feel guilty about looking forward to school starting again, know that you shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting structure and routine back. It doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy your kids. Some kids really thrive better in a school environment, and some moms do a lot better with a more structured routine to their day too! 

To the moms who are not looking forward to school beginning, I understand. Summer can feel like a nice pause from the chaos. The upcoming school year brings about more changes, and change can be scary. So can that early morning wakeup call! 

To the mom who feels disappointed that summer vacation didn’t go as planned, I understand your disappointment. I hope that when you reflect on it, you can find many joyful moments spread throughout that time you shared with your family.  

 To the mom who is waiting for the day when her kids are old enough to go to school, know that I was in your shoes and understand that ache for a community.  

To the mom who is nervous about sending her child to school, I get it. It can be scary trusting someone else with our children and can be hard to let go. 

To the special-needs mom, I understand the heartache that you carry knowing your child has a tougher time than the rest of their peers, and that school will look different for them. But I also see the dedication and time you put in as your child’s advocate.  




A Back-to-School Litany for Moms

From the desire to overload my schedule with activities ... deliver me, Jesus. 

From the stress and chaos of getting everyone out the door ... deliver me, Jesus. 

From the guilt about being ready to send my kids back to school ... deliver me, Jesus. 

From the temptation of comparison to other families ... deliver me, Jesus. 

From exhaustion due to late nights and early morning wake-ups ... deliver me, Jesus. 

From the heartache and anxiety of letting our children go ... deliver me, Jesus. 

For a desire for a good education for our children ... Lord, hear our prayer. 

For understanding and kind teachers ... Lord, hear our prayer. 

For a safe and supportive community of friends for our children ... Lord, hear our prayer.  

For smooth transitions into the new school year ... Lord, hear our prayer.  

For the confidence in our education choice for our children ... Lord, hear our prayer.  

For available support for IEPs, speech, and counseling ... Lord, hear our prayer.  

For a full cup of coffee each morning ... Lord, hear our prayer. 

For safety on the way to and from school and activities ... Saint Christopher, pray for us! 

For the missing keys, socks, uniforms, and other school supplies ... Saint Anthony, pray for us! 


Download a printable copy of this litany


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Copyright 2024 Michelle Nott
Images: Canva