Mary Pedersen shares the letter she wrote for her granddaughter on the day of her Baptism.
Dearest Elin Faith,
Last Sunday you were dressed in a long white gown with satin, lace, and pearls. Water was poured, oil smeared, and words spoken: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
You have become God’s beloved daughter — an identity granting you the highest dignity and the greatest beauty. We pray you will claim your identity each day for the rest of your life. We pray you will allow God’s beauty to shine through you in kindness, compassion, and love for each person you meet. And we pray you will remember this divine identity, especially when you hear a cutting remark, fall short in love, or experience a devastating loss.
We pray you will understand God loves you infinitely, unconditionally, and beyond compare. God created you, Miss Elin Faith, for a special purpose. Never be afraid of God’s calling, for building the kingdom of God is the great adventure of life and God’s grace will lead the way.
With the Sacrament of Baptism, your life will not be your own — you belong to Christ. You will learn that discipleship demands carrying your cross and pouring yourself out for others. In the journey, you will discover that by giving we receive, and by dying to self we begin to live — really live.
We pray you will put Jesus before all — above all else. He must come first because He is the source of all love and light. With His light, all others lights glow brighter. With faith, the world expands as we notice God’s shimmering presence in even the most ordinary.
In Baptism, you are called to sainthood. Rely on the Holy Spirit, the source of wisdom, and you will grow in love, mercy, and heroic virtue. Be close to those who bring you closer to Jesus. Stay close to Jesus, especially in times of darkness. Cling to the cross — and the Resurrection. Carry hope in your heart. Be willing to forgive. Be humble. Be good. Be true to yourself.
With the Sacrament of Baptism, we welcome you into the Body of Christ. Elin Faith, you are never alone. We are here for you. All the saints in heaven (your great grandmothers and grandfathers) and on earth are praying for you and cheering you onto the finish line.
Elin Faith, you are absolutely beautiful — inside and out. We pray you will live according to your given name — a life of faith. We wish you the absolute best of life — love, happiness, peace, and joy — Jesus. Always remember, you are God’s beloved daughter, in whom He is well pleased.
We promise you our love and prayers ~ always and forever.
Papa and Mimi
Copyright 2021 Mary Pedersen
Images (top to bottom): Canva Pro; copyright 2021 Mary Pedersen, all rights reserved.
About the Author
Mary Pedersen
Mary Pedersen serves as "first preacher" to six and grand-preacher to ten! She holds a doctorate in preaching from the Aquinas Institute of Theology, with her thesis, "Parents as First Preachers: Naming Grace in the Domestic Church." She writes and speaks on topics of faith and family, and has been known on probably far too many occasions, to shout out a woo-hoo! Mary blogs at