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After stockpiling toilet paper for the second time during the pandemic, Claire McGarry draws a parallel to God's abundant love.

Prior to the pandemic, we all took toilet paper for granted. The minute it was unavailable, though, we began to obsess, rationing it like drill sergeants, fearful we'd run out. 

Looking at toilet paper from this new perspective of hyper-vigilance and appreciation, I realize we can all feel like TP sometimes.  

Every roll of toilet paper is perforated in squares, weakening the lines where it's meant to be torn. If we took a step back and looked closer at ourselves, we'd see we have our own perforation lines. Like Achilles had his heel, there are weak spots in all of us that make us vulnerable to tears when people or circumstances pull on us. 

Whether it's fear of illness, stress over financial problems, or insecurities about what others think about us, when the pressure increases, we start to rip and unravel. We lose sight of the bigger picture, and instead, draw squares around our worst fears, framing them with our focus, letting them wipe away our ability to see any of the good.

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When we lose sight of the positive, negativity pours in, clogging our filter with its muck. Overwhelmed, we get dragged down, and don't function like we should. 

The answer is always God. He can unplug any clog, flush away all our mess, and get things flowing again. With Him, there's never a shortage. His supply of love and grace is endless, with no need for rationing. 


You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance. (Psalm 65:11)


Better yet, when we're empty, not only does He replace the roll, He hangs it the right way: with grace cascading over the top (and never under!). 

God's supply of love and grace is endless, with no need for rationing. #catholicmom

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Copyright 2021 Claire McGarry
Images (top to bottom): Vlada Karpovich (2020), Pexels; Anna Shvets (2020), Pexels