Taryn De Long explains why she decided not to make resolutions, buy a planner, or choose a word of the year for 2024.
Every year, I spend hours picking out a new planner. I use it for a couple of weeks. Then, it stays on my desk untouched for the rest of the year. Partly, it’s because I’m not always at my desk when things pop into my head. I frequently write down tasks or schedule meetings on my phone at the kitchen table while my daughter is having a snack. I use a lot of “Hey Siri, remind me to___.” And these days, I need a notification to pop up on my phone in order to remember … well, most things.
So, no planner.
This year, I also didn’t set any New Year’s resolutions. It’s not that I don’t have goals or plans for this year. But, I rarely remember, let alone keep, my resolutions each year. This year, I’m forgiving myself in advance for not living up to January’s expectations.
Most importantly, though, I’m leaving room for the Holy Spirit in 2024.
No Word of the Year
I know selecting a “word of the year” is a popular activity. I, too, have had a word of the year each year since 2020. But I don’t plan them in advance. Rather, at some point during the year, I’ll realize that there’s one theme, one lesson, that the Holy Spirit is hammering home. The year I had my first baby, for instance, it was surrender. In 2022, it was humility. Last year, it was patience.
So I don’t know what my word of 2024 is, and I probably won’t know for a while. I’m not journaling about a specific theme that I’d like to explore this year. I don’t have an inspiring reel rallying others around my word of the year. But I’m confident I’ll do everything I need to do (and probably more!) this year.
Staying Receptive
Why do I have that confidence? Well, I am planning for a few things I know will be happening this year (including the launch of my book, written with my co-president at Catholic Women in Business!). But most importantly, I’m trying to stay receptive to what God calls me to this year. I’m going to Adoration once a week (ish). I’m praying a daily Rosary. I’m journaling through a daily Examen each night (again, ish).
I’m not holding too tightly onto any of my hopes or dreams or goals or plans. I’ve learned all too well over the last few years that God has better plans, anyway. Instead, I’m working on my discernment skills—on listening to what God wants me to do and then asking Him for the courage to do it.
Did you make any resolutions for 2024? If so, I encourage you to hold onto them loosely. Stay open to discerning pivots—the Holy Spirit loves joyful surprises!
Copyright 2024 Taryn DeLong
Images: Canva
About the Author

Taryn DeLong
is a full-time homemaker who lives with her husband and daughters outside Raleigh, NC. She also serves as co-president and editor-in-chief of Catholic Women in Business. Her first book, Holy Ambition: Thriving as a Catholic Woman at Work and at Home, written with her co-president Elise Crawford Gallagher, is out now from Ave Maria Press. You can follow her on LinkedIn or Instagram.