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Anni Harry considers three of the Stations of the Cross that stand out as moments in which Christ received consolation from others.

Holy Week offers Christians worldwide a somber reflection on what our sins cost, but also gives us a glimpse into the love with which our Father in Heaven has for each one of us. Even those that have not yet been introduced to Him are loved beyond measure, and this week calls that love clearly into focus. 

This week invites us to consider the price of our salvation and develop a sense of gratitude for the unconditional love of our Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

We have a tendency to focus on the sacrifice, overlooking to value of the other small moments in which our Lord was given an opportunity to receive some comfort and some small consolation. Fr. Michael Gaitley from the Marians of the Immaculate Conception has written several studies, one of which explores Consoling the Heart of Jesus. Readers are encouraged to consider how Christ suffered for our sins today, during His Passion and Death. 

However, as Christ suffered on His way to the Cross, so, too did He receive small moments of consolation. As Fr. Gaitley rightly points out, if our sins today heaped pain upon our Lord during Holy Week, in the same way, our small moments in which we console His Precious Heart, He received that consolation in the moment. 

Think of the fourteen Stations of the Cross. Eleven of those Stations invite followers deeper into Christ’s pain suffered on the way to the Cross and as He dies and is buried. However, there are three which stand out as moments of consolation. 




Jesus Meets His Mother 

It is so easy to recognize the love between a mother and a child. When a newborn babe first smiles with their toothless grin, the love the baby feels is palpable to all in the room. As that child grows and is nurtured and loved by the mother, the child will continuously seek out the guidance, reassurance, and care of his or her mother. While none of us is Christ’s Mother, each of us has the opportunity to emulate the love of a mother.  

In those moments where we exude patience, joy, care, kindness, and love toward another we have the opportunity to console the Sacred Heart in the same manner that Mary’s mere presence must have consoled her Son.  




Simon Helps Carry the Cross 

Each of us knows what it is like to bear a cross. Everyone’s cross seems to be different, with threads of similarity woven throughout the suffering. Most people, however, also appreciate and recognize when we let someone into our struggles, the weight that feels lifted as the other person helps us carry our cross. 

Recognize the moments of others’ crosses, and step in to offer the strength that Simon offered when pressed into service of our Lord. Even if we don’t feel equipped, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your actions and words, so as to console the Sacred Heart. Don’t be afraid to help ease another person’s burdens, for as you do so, you also ease the burden of Christ. 




Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus 

We have all witnessed and experienced exhaustion. Many of us have also experienced pain which can strike at the depths of the heart. If you have, then I pray that each of us have also felt the steading presence and the tender love of someone pulling us from the pain into even the briefest moment of relief. This is the sweet consolation Veronica offered our Lord. 

Similarly, opportunities abound which allow us to offer the same sweet respite to another person. Even if they are a mere stranger, the quickest encouraging word, heartfelt smile, and hand outstretched can bring balm to a weary spirit. When we pause to take that moment to recognize Christ in our neighbor and offer some emotional or verbal support, we console the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 


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Don’t be afraid to help ease another person’s burdens, for as you do so, you also ease the burden of Christ. #CatholicMom

This week, we enter into the Passion of our Lord. We walk the Way of the Cross with Him and His Mother. We grieve His sacrifice. 

Yet, we are also given the opportunity to rise to the challenge of consolation of His Sacred Heart. 

The question is, are you ready to recognize Christ in those around you—whether they are your family, friends, or a complete stranger? 

Are you ready to console the Heart of Jesus, in the manner of Mary, Simon, and Veronica, as you recognize Christ in your midst? 

Copyright 2023 AnnAliese Harry
Images: Canva