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Karen Estep joined the Catholic Church during the 2022 Easter Vigil. After a wonderful year, she reflects on all that she has done and discovered. 

Last year during Lent I was part of the congregation at the beginning of Mass, and was asked to come up to the front and be sent forth every Sunday. This year, I get to sit in my pew and sing the other candidates forward. I cannot wait for them to receive all the graces that come with taking the Eucharist.  

This year has been such a whirlwind of emotions, ideas, and opportunities. I feel like I am running toward God and His will for me instead of just casually moseying in a field of flowers. Sometimes all of this forward motion into becoming who I feel God has called me to be means that I have forgotten how to rest. I have had to become very choosy regarding activities, podcasts I listen to, or books that I have to put down and later pick back up to finish. I just feel like there is so much to learn and knowledge to gain!  




Some things that I have done this year that have helped me further in my faith journey are:  

Listening to Podcasts

I have a few that I highly recommend, including the Catholic Momcast, Abiding Together, Catechism and Bible in a Year, and Ave Presents. 


Reading books

I have read so many books this year! So many great authors are located right here in the Catholic Mom community! There are a lot of different topics explored as well. Lately, I have been drawn to reading more about Mother Mary.  


Praying the Rosary

Having not grown up in the Catholic faith, this was so new and almost a foreign language for me to learn. I am still learning how to do it properly, but I am also learning to love it. Holy Cross Family Ministries offers some amazing resources not only for adults but also for children.  


Meeting new people

I am really proud of the way I have broken out of my own shell this year. By becoming who I have been called to be, I have become more confident in just being my authentic self. This has allowed me to make new lifelong friends, try new things, and lead others. I would never have volunteered to lead a women’s Bible study before meeting some great women that cheer me on constantly. Don’t be afraid to come out of your shell: there are a lot of new friends to be made!  



I love being a contributor for Catholic Mom and look forward to the opportunities that have come/are coming my way. I have gotten to read great books, test-drive apps, and have allowed myself to spend a lot of time with the Lord in personal reflection. I have also gotten to do some other writing for another blog. While sometimes words seem to fail me, I pray a lot for the Holy Spirit to use me in this capacity. Even if you just keep a prayer journal for you and your family, it is amazing to see how much you can grow when you write down how things are or even future goals you are making for yourself.  


Fully embracing community

I love being a part of my parish. My family has been fully embraced by the community. We belong to a large parish which can sometimes feel overwhelming but by joining smaller groups we have found our “people.” My husband has become a member of the Knights of Columbus and I am helping lead a women's Bible study. Finding your community is vital for any part of your faith journey. These will be the people you can turn to when your faith feels stale, you need someone to bounce ideas off of, or just someone to send a prayer request to and know that they will spend time in prayer for you.  


The Eucharist

My favorite part of being a Catholic is getting to receive the Eucharist. I try to smile every time after genuflecting because I can just picture Jesus smiling back at me. I hope we always embrace the fullness that taking the Eucharist can give to us as a Sacrament.  


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Finding your community is vital for any part of your faith journey. #CatholicMom


This year I have laughed more than ever, I have cried more than ever, and I finally feel good about being one of God’s beloved daughters. This coming year I have so many exciting things planned including more writing, a speaking engagement, and an opportunity to go to the SEEK Conference. I should probably plan on reading the books in my growing pile as well!

Most of all, I plan on always continuing to seek God’s will. Whether it’s your first year of being Catholic or your fiftieth year there is so much to learn about our faith, and I truly hope you find yourself ever amazed by all of it!  



Copyright 2023 Karen Estep
Images: copyright 2023 Karen Estep, all rights reserved.