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After expecting the state of the world to be better by now, Claire McGarry finds peace in John 16:33.

None of us was naive enough to think that just because the calendar turned to 2021, all of our 2020 troubles would be over. But I do think most of us thought some things would be better by now. Nonetheless, as the world continues to spin out of whack, we have John 16:33.


"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)


Right before it, Jesus hasn't been abandoned by His followers yet, but He talks in the present tense as if it's a surety. He hasn't conquered the world yet through His resurrection, but He talks about that in the present tense too, as if it's an absolute. 

We know we're not experiencing God's kingdom here on earth, not by a long shot. In fact, the tough reality is we may never get that chance.

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We can have peace in our hearts right now, despite the troubles in the world, because Jesus gave it to us. #catholicmom

What is an absolute is: We can have peace in our hearts right now, despite the troubles in the world, because Jesus gave it to us. Because He succeeded in overcoming the world, another absolute is we will experience God's kingdom, either in this world, or in the next. "Take heart!"

Earth seen from space


Copyright 2021 Claire McGarry
Image: Pixabay (2019)