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Colleen Mallette challenges us to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit like the apostles were after Pentecost. 

In the 50 days between Easter and Pentecost, the apostles of Jesus went through an amazing transformation. We, too, are called to undergo this transformation in our faith of Jesus Christ even more so than we did during Lent. 

During the 40 days of Lent, we were called to focus on the Passion and death that Jesus endured for the salvation of our souls. Ever since the first sin of man, people throughout all of history were unable to reconcile with God due to our sinful nature. But God had a plan all along to send His Only Son, who could be the only perfect person able to pay the debt and reconcile mankind in order to open the gates to heaven for our eternal return with God.    

Jesus tried to explain His mission and coming as the Suffering Servant prophesied in Isaiah 53 who needed to sacrifice His life for our sakes. The disciples didn’t understand and were terrified when their Rabbi was arrested and crucified.  The apostles hid in the upper room in Jerusalem out of fear of what might happen to them also by the hands of the Jewish leaders and Roman soldiers. They were afraid for their lives and were unwilling to be seen in public at all. They cowered together, unable to understand what happened or know what to do next.   

But the very thing they feared ended up happening eventually—except for John, they were all martyred.   




What was the difference in between? The power of the Holy Spirit.   

When they had Jesus living and traveling with them, they had His example and leadership to rely on. They had His words of wisdom and calmness to handle any situation. They saw His powers of healing and exorcism, and observing Jesus' miracles emboldened them. But they didn’t have this power or courage within as long as they had Jesus around (except when He sent them out on mission two times).  

At the Last Supper, Jesus proclaimed to them that it would be to their advantage for Him to leave them. They couldn’t imagine this being true, but Jesus knew that by leaving they would be better off receiving the Holy Spirit within them in order to give them the understanding and power to carry on His mission. Jesus had also chosen these simple, humble men knowing they would be more open to receiving and using this power in the right way. 

“The Spirit of truth … will be in you.” (John 14:17) 




The difference in the apostles after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was incredible. They boldly left their hiding place and couldn’t stop proclaiming their faith to anyone who would listen. In fact, they were so enthusiastic people thought they were drunk, and it was only 9 AM! (See Acts 2:13.)  

The apostles eventually took Jesus’ command to go to the ends of the earth (an impossible order, yet they tried) every day with an enthusiasm and zeal that couldn’t be stopped. They spread out boldly to all areas around Israel for as many years as possible, and were willingly martyred for their faith. Peter even evangelized while in prison, both verbally (converting his guards) and in writing to encourage the churches he had already preached to. What a change from those cowering men afraid to leave their lodging! 




All of us who are baptized have this same power of the Holy Spirit inside of us—guiding, encouraging, giving us courage to proclaim our faith every day. This hurting world, especially young people who are lost without the community of church or sense of belonging, need all of us to help them. We need to share with others the reason for our hope and the saving power of our Savior. We don’t need to be successful in the world’s eyes because we are already loved and desired by our Loving Father in Heaven. God has given each of us our life experiences, temperaments, and talents along with this power of the Holy Spirit so that we may serve Him in love by serving others and sharing our faith.  

We need to quit thinking, worrying and posting what we think others expect or want to see. Instead, be bold in sharing our faith. Live only for what pleases God, living the Beatitudes and Commandments by being poor in spirit and loving.  

Be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit today! 


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Copyright 2024 Colleen Mallette
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