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Tina Mayeux encourages us to look to the life of Carlo Acutis in using technology wisely and to teach our children to imitate this Blessed millennial.

Technology has become a way of life for us in the 21st century. Nearly every aspect of our lives is guided or affected by some sort of technological process. Many of us are attached to our cell phones in a way that can, at times, be considered unhealthy or excessive. Since technology is not likely to be going anywhere and will probably remain a significant factor in our daily lives, how can we learn to use it in the proper way and not in a destructive or addictive manner?

Since technology is an instrument that can be used in ways that are either constructive or damaging, we must make choices about regulating the way we use it and the amount of time we spend on it. When used appropriately, it can help our lives to be more efficient and productive. In addition, we can use digital means to spread the Gospel and help others come to know and love Christ.

Blessed Carlo Acutis is an exemplary model of using technology for the glory of God, especially for young people who are being raised in this digital age we live in. On October 12, we celebrate this first millennial Blessed teenager, an avid gamer and computer programmer, who died as recently as 2006 of leukemia.

In his short life, Blessed Carlo Acutis showed immense holiness, offering up his sufferings for the Lord, the Pope, and the Church during his illness. He was known for defending victims of bullying, especially disabled children. Blessed Carlo taught himself computer coding and animation and enjoyed gaming. However, he disciplined himself when it came to video games and only spent a minimal amount of time playing them. With a special love for the Eucharist, he used his knowledge and skill in coding to create a website cataloguing the Eucharistic miracles of the world.


Blessed Carlo Acutis stained glass window used with permission https://www.facebook.com/oratoriodonboscomolfetta


I love Blessed Carlo because, as the first Blessed to appear in jeans and sneakers in a stained glass window at the church of San Guiseppe in Molfetto, Italy, he is so relatable for our children. Using him as an example, we are trying to teach our children that holiness is possible in this computer-saturated age we live in, and we can use technology to glorify God and spread his Kingdom on earth.


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Using Bl. Carlo Acutis as an example, we are trying to teach our children that holiness is possible in this computer-saturated age we live in. #catholicmom

Blessed Carlo is a special patron for our family, as our 16-year-old daughter who is in the 10th grade and has high-functioning autism has a penchant for technology and anything computer-related. Through a school program, she was able to dual-enroll in the Computer Specialist program at a local community college this year so she can work toward obtaining her certificate when she graduates from high school. We are grateful that she is using her affinity and aptitude for computers to achieve a goal that will serve her both financially and spiritually and enable her to support herself and become independent. It is our hope that, in the spirit of Blessed Carlo Acutis, she will continue to use technology in a positive way as she matures into adulthood, and will love and serve God through her gifts and talents.

On this feast day of Blessed Carlo, let us ask his intercession for our children and all young people who are being raised in this age of computers and social media, that they will come to see technology as a means of glorifying God and making Him better known and loved on earth. We, too, as adults and parents, can rely on Blessed Carlo to intercede for us to become better stewards of the great gifts we have been given, especially the gift of communication. We can ask him and all the saints to help us more readily share the gospel with all we come into contact with through our words, our actions, and our lives.

Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!


Blessed Carlo Acutis stained glass window used with permission https://www.facebook.com/oratoriodonboscomolfetta

Copyright 2021 Tina Mayeux
Image: Copyright 2021 Parrocchia “San Giuseppe” - Oratorio “Don Bosco” Molfetta on Facebook. Used with permission. All rights reserved.