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Monika Korzec recommends this book by Shaun McAfee to Catholics involved in sacramental preparation and those seeking to deepen their own faith.

Sacramentals hold a revered and often mystifying place in the treasury of Catholic traditions. Shaun McAfee's Compendium of Sacramentals: Encyclopedia of the Church's Blessings, Signs, and Devotions brilliantly illuminates the understudied aspect of sacramentals, their history and meaning. Through this book, both novices and seasoned believers can gain a clearer understanding of these sacred sacramental signs, gestures, and devotions.




McAfee's work delves into the rich field of sacramentals, discussing many rituals such as the Sign of the Cross, blessings, exorcisms, the use of holy water, and objects such as the rosary or relics, to name a few. All the presented information can deepen the spiritual life of the faithful, who is invited to enter the divine realm. 

One of the strengths of McAfee's book is its ability to bridge historical tradition with contemporary practice. For instance, while many Catholics routinely make the Sign of the Cross, few may know its historical roots or the theological message it encapsulates. This simple yet profound gesture is just one example of the broader scope of sacramentals discussed in the book.    

The author's approach to presenting the information is accessible, aiming to educate without overwhelming. Each chapter unpacks a different sacramental, tracing its biblical roots and liturgical significance. McAfee does not shy away from complex theological concepts, yet his narrative is always grounded in a pastoral sensitivity that speaks directly to the reader’s spiritual curiosity. This is particularly evident in his treatment of lesser-known sacramentals such as blessed salt and the use of chalk. He thoroughly explains the symbolic expressions that connect the reader with the life of prayer and sanctity. 


Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions About Sacramentals

In my pastoral ministry at my parish, where I assist children and adults preparing to receive sacraments or join the Church through the Rite (Order) of Christian Initiation, I have encountered countless questions about these topics. Compendium of Sacramentals is a book that can answer many of these inquiries, providing an invaluable learning resource. The book serves as an educational tool and a means of fostering a genuine engagement with the faith, satisfying the reader's curiosity and need for understanding. 

Visually, the compendium is a feast for the eyes. Beautiful, full-colour images accompany the text, bringing to life the artifacts and actions discussed. Essential passages are highlighted in coloured frames, a practical design choice that enhances readability and underscores key insights. Such thoughtful presentation complements the textual content, making the book an information resource and a visually engaging guide for personal and communal reflection. 

Compendium of Sacramentals by Shaun McAfee has the potential to inform and inspire readers to be more engaged with different aspects of spirituality. It invites readers to explore the sacred traditions of the Church in their daily lives, enriching their faith journey.  

I recommend this book without reservation to anyone, particularly those involved in sacramental preparation or those seeking to deepen their understanding of the vital but often overlooked dimension of the sacramentals that the Catholic Church holds in its treasure. 

Ask for Compendium of Sacramentals at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, TAN Books.


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Images: Canva