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Amy Cattapan interviews Richard Akins about living between his own Catholic heritage and his children's embrace of Evangelicalism.

Spiritual reads provide food for our soul and nourishes our intellect. Shalom World introduces you to a series of Christian books that have the potential to change your lives and guide you in your Christian walk. Stay tuned with us as we review them from a unique perspective.


In this episode of Book.ed on Shalom World TV, Amy Cattapan interviews author Richard Akins about his new book, Challenged to Grow: A Catholic Parent's Journey Through an Evangelical World.

From the publisher:

Challenged to Grow sums up for readers the stumbling blocks on the road to mutual understanding, educating Catholics and Evangelicals alike concerning the key points of view in their respective churches. The author is dealing with difficult beliefs that lie at the core of his Catholic faith concerning the sacraments, and human freedom and grace, but discusses them in a language that makes them accessible.

Author Richard Akins – business owner, engineer and father of three – lived in two worlds, Roman Catholicism and Reformed Evangelicalism. His personal and familial challenges unified his understanding of the Catholic faith and led to the promotion of practical Christian unity as detailed within the books Fundamentally Catholic and Romans by Paul. In Challenged to Grow, Richard’s unique background leads the reader to a deep and practical Catholic faith along with an understanding and respect for Protestant and Reformed Evangelical expressions of the Christian faith.

The Catholic parent of adult children embracing evangelicalism: @ajcattapan interviews @rickakinsfc #catholicmom

Copyright 2020 Amy J. Cattapan