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Meg Herriot reviews a Catholic chapter book that's perfect for fans of adventure stories.

I had the pleasure of receiving an unanticipated surprise: Justice on the Acropolis by B.B. Gallagher, from TAN Books, the first in the Virtue Adventures series.

My son enjoys other books that are fantasies with moral messages, so I can understand how this fits well in that genre. This is a book about a little girl named Maggie who has an encounter with a guardian angel.

My son and I really enjoyed this book. He also really liked that there were pictures interspersed, so great for kids transitioning to chapter books. It does a great job at explaining honoring thy father and mother and that we don't have control over what other people do, but we do have control over our reactions. This is great for kids who have interests in adventure books like the Magic Tree House books, yet this series has a very Catholic foundation.

For young readers: a Catholic chapter book that's perfect for fans of adventure stories. #catholicmom

Justice on the Acropolis was well-written and just like life, did not have a predictable ending. It did a great job at demonstrating justice and that the ends do not justify the means.

justice on the acropolis


Copyright 2021 Meg Herriot
Image: Canva Pro
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