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Father Fred Jenga, C.S.C., shares a meditation on today's Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles.

My surname is “Jenga,” which in Swahili means “to build” or “to construct” something. It wasn’t after many years down in life that I came to learn that North Americans have a game that goes by the name “Jenga.” The Jenga game is about the construction of a “Jenga tower” using 54 blocks of wood. Players take turns removing one block at a time from the lower sections of the tower and placing the block on top of the tower, creating a progressively higher tower. It is a delicate building game; if one is not careful enough, the Jenga tower collapses easily.  

One thing I have come to learn playing the Jenga game is that if you want to build a higher tower, the players need to keep the foundation or the base of the Jenga Tower strong or solid. If the base or the foundation is compromised or undermined in any way, the tower easily collapses. The key trick is in keeping the base solid.  




On this Feast Day of Saints Simon and Jude, we are reminded that as “members of the household of God” we are “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone” (Ephesians 2:19-22). Our faith and our Church require us to be based on the example and the message of Christ and the teachings of the Apostles who form our “foundation.”

If we desire to be solid in our faith, and if we desire to have strong faith communities, the example and the message of the Apostles such as Simon and Jude need to be at the foundation of who we are as believers. 


Reflection Questions:

In what ways does the gospel and the teachings of the Apostles form the foundation of my life and of my worldview? What can I do in my everyday life to live more faithfully the example and the message of the Apostles?   


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Copyright 2024 Father Fred Jenga, C.S.C.
Images: Canva