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The Cardinal Newman Society invites qualified high-school seniors to write application essays for a college scholarship.

The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) is pleased to announce its seventh annual Essay Scholarship Contest. The winning essay writer will be awarded $5,000 toward the cost of attending a faithful Catholic college recognized in The Newman Guide in the fall of 2023.

In addition, several Newman Guide colleges have agreed to supplement CNS’s scholarship with additional $5,000 grants to the winner over three additional years, according to criteria established by each college.

Find all of the details about the Contest. 

The CNS scholarship is made possible thanks to the generosity of Joe and Ann Guiffre, strong advocates of faithful Catholic education.

The contest is open to high school seniors in the United States who sign up for the Newman Society’s Recruit Me program and check out the recognized colleges in The Newman Guide during their college search.




The topic for this year’s contest is to reflect, in 400-600 words, on the following:

The Cardinal Newman Society recently released a 7-minute video on the advantages of choosing a faithful Catholic college. Pick a key point or theme from the video and explain why attending a Newman Guide college will have special value for you.



Essays will be judged by how well they demonstrate appreciation for faithful Catholic education, as well as the quality of the writing.

Last year, the Newman Society announced Sarah Davis, a homeschooled student in Pennsylvania, as the winner of the CNS’s sixth annual Essay Scholarship Contest. She received a $5,000 scholarship toward her education at Christendom College in Front Royal, VA. She may also be eligible for additional $5,000 grants from Christendom College.

In her winning essay, Davis reflected on how attending a faithful Catholic college that is strongly devoted to the Eucharist will uniquely impact her religious, moral, intellectual, and social formation. The winning essay was a timely piece, as the U.S. bishops conduct a three-year “Eucharistic Revival” to increase devotion to the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Davis wrote,

If our Eucharistic Lord reigns over the college which I attend, I will be challenged to let Him reign over my own heart and life. In front of the Blessed Sacrament, I will find the strength to conscientiously perform my duties as a student, treat others with true charity, and keep fighting for sanctity.

Therefore, no matter what God asks of me after college, I can be assured that this devotion to the Eucharist, nurtured during college, will be my strong foundation as I continue to grow into the woman God has created me to be.


Davis’s entire essay can be read at CardinalNewmanSociety.org.

Questions about this year’s Essay Scholarship Contest can be directed to Programs@CardinalNewmanSociety.org.



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Images: iStockPhoto, licensed for use by Cardinal Newman Society