Liz Montigny shares strategies for finding time to devote to the things that matter to you.
In our Hangout this week, Liz Montigny discusses our need to respect the season we're in, adjust our expectations, and set priorities. The more that we can get specific with our priorities and routines and simplify those, the better. Take some time to write down three things that lift you up mentally, physically, and spiritually: things that are simple and tangible that you have access to. Keep those three things available to you so that when you have a moment, you can recharge.
Join us for this fun & inspiring CatholicMom Hangout. And be sure to add your thoughts, questions & ideas in the comments!
Copyright 2022 Elizabeth Montigny
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries
About the Author
Elizabeth Montigny
Liz Montigny is a goal coach and retreat leader. She lives with her husband and their three boys in Massachusetts where she hosts her podcast, Keep Blooming. Connect with her at