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Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB, shares the story of a saint whose priestly vocation was apparent from his childhood.

Saint Godfrey of Amiens

Today the Church celebrates the feast day of Saint Godfrey of Amiens, a Benedictine priest and reluctant bishop.

I love the sweet image of this saint as a little child. When he was about five years old, he was sent to the Benedictine abbey of Mont-Saint-Quentin where his godfather was abbot. Once there Godfrey joyfully donned a tiny habit and lived as the littlest of monks. Eventually he took his vows, and later entered the priesthood.

His first assignment as abbot was to a broken-down abbey overrun by scrubby shrubs and weeds, that housed only a few of nuns and a couple of children. He immediately set out to help the nuns and began to clear the grounds to restore the monastery to its former beauty, honoring Our Lord. In those early weeks, he encouraged villagers to come to the abbey, shared with them the teachings of Saint Benedict, and drew their souls to recognize and live in Christ.

He was a humble priest who preferred an austere life. He was repeatedly offered and refused bishopric until forced by the king to accept. He complained often and desired to resign and retire to a monastic life so familiar from his childhood.




Encouraging our little ones in spiritual play

Is there that one child in your family, parish, or neighborhood who pretends to be a consecrated religious? What can you do to encourage their play?


Pray with me:

Jesus, as a child You were encouraged by Your parents to understand and live the Jewish faith. Help me and all adults to educate and encourage the spiritual play of the sweet children in our care.


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Copyright 2024 Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB
Image: Canva