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Tina Mayeux shares 5 ways we can practice the devotion and message of the Divine Mercy, not only on the feast day, but throughout the year.

The devotion to St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy holds a special place in my heart. Each time I have read the autobiography of St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, it has brought me immense comfort and guidance. The words of Jesus to St. Faustina were meant for all of us, and they inspire hope and courage each time I read and reflect upon them.

We recently celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday on April 24, the Sunday after Easter. For many Catholics, Good Friday also marked the first day of the Divine Mercy Novena, which concluded on the Feast Day of Mercy. At three o’clock on Divine Mercy Sunday, many of us prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as Jesus requested through his messages to St. Faustina. Though the great Feast of Mercy is a special time set apart to remember and petition for God’s Mercy on the world, it is comforting to know that we can call on this Mercy at any time.

Our local Catholic radio station broadcasts the Divine Mercy Chaplet each afternoon at three o’clock. It is a wonderful opportunity to pause from the activity of the day and ask for forgiveness for our own sins and to intercede for all those who we are praying for, especially the sick and suffering, and for the needs of the world. We receive innumerable graces when we unite ourselves with Jesus by reciting the chaplet. While St. Faustina herself was praying the chaplet, she writes that she heard a voice say,

“Oh, what great graces I will grant to souls who say this chaplet; the very depths of My tender mercy are stirred for the sake of those who say the chaplet.” (Diary 848)



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During this month of May, the month of Our Lady, we remember that it is through the great mercy of God that we are given our Blessed Mother to love, instruct, and guide us. Our Lady spoke these words to St. Faustina, “I am not only Queen of Heaven but also the Mother of Mercy and your Mother.” (Diary 330) She also expressed to St. Faustina during an apparition, “I am Mother to you all, thanks to the unfathomable mercy of God,” (Diary 449) revealing her preeminent role in the message and devotion of the Divine Mercy of Jesus.


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5 ways we can remember the Divine Mercy year-round and implement this devotion through all the seasons of the liturgical year. #catholicmom


As we reflect on the goodness and mercy of God through the Divine Mercy devotion this month, we are reminded that we can carry this practice with us throughout the year. Jesus told Faustina, “Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but there must also be deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to our neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to absolve yourself from it.” (Diary 742) What are some ways we can remember the Divine Mercy year-round and implement this devotion into our spiritual practices through all the seasons of the liturgical year?

  1. As mentioned before, we can pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet each day. If reciting the chaplet during the three o’clock hour is impossible, we can pause to say a brief prayer and immerse ourselves in the Passion of Jesus, asking for his mercy for ourselves and for the world.
  1. Reading St. Faustina’s Diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul, is an excellent way to hear Jesus’ words of love to St. Faustina and to reflect upon the message of God’s Mercy. Another source that presents the Divine Mercy message in manageable portions is Susan Tassone’s Jesus Speaks to Faustina and You. This daily devotional offers the words of Jesus to St. Faustina, along with a reflection and prayer for each day.
  1. Jesus asks that the Divine Mercy image be erected and honored and promises many graces to those who fulfill this request. We can display the image of the Divine Mercy in our homes as a constant reminder of the great love and mercy of Our Lord.
  1. Jesus told St. Faustina that she would endure sufferings but encouraged her not to be afraid, promising her that He would remain with her. Remembering to unite our sufferings with that of Jesus on the Cross each day is another means of practicing the Divine Mercy devotion. Jesus urged Faustina to, “Help Me, My daughter, to save souls. Join your sufferings to My Passion and offer them to the heavenly Father for sinners.” (Diary 1032)
  1. During the Novena to the Divine Mercy, we pray for a different group of people each day. Remembering to intercede at all times for others, including sinners, the sick and dying, and priests and religious, is necessary to remaining devoted to the Divine Mercy at all times.


These are a few ways we can incorporate St. Faustina’s trust in the Divine Mercy into our daily lives throughout the year. An attitude of trust in the Lord and mercy toward others is essential to practicing the Divine Mercy devotion and obtaining its promises. If we maintain this spirit of trust in God and mercy to our neighbor, we are more perfectly disposed to receive the many graces promised to St. Faustina and us by Jesus.

Copyright 2022 Christina Mayeux
Images: Copyright 2022 Christina Mayeux