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Susan Ciancio introduces three holy heroes whose feasts are celebrated in the month of May.

I want to introduce you to three saints whose feast days are celebrated over the next several days. These devoted men are beautiful examples of Catholic faithfulness. During their lives, they served others as Christ did. They cared for people, they taught God’s word, and they brought people closer to Christ. We can use their examples to help make our world a holier place. 




Saint Matthias (May 14) 

After Judas betrayed Christ and took his own life, the Apostles knew they must replace him with another man. In the Jewish tradition, 12 was a sacred number, and Christ had specifically chosen 12 Apostles, so the Apostles wanted another man to join them in their mission. They chose Matthias. 

Though not much is known about Matthias, we do know that he was a devout follower of Christ while He was alive. We know that he witnessed miracles, that he heard Christ teach, and that he remained steadfast in his faith after Christ was crucified. After Matthias became an apostle, he traveled throughout the countries bordering the Caspian Sea preaching the word of God. We also know that he was martyred for this faith. 

Though we no longer have his writings, we do have this quote: “As to the soul, we must develop her power by faith and knowledge.” 

Matthias lived those words. He traveled and taught about Christ, converting countless numbers of people. If we, too, are to develop the power of our souls, we must heed his words and follow his example.  




St. Isidore the Farmer (May 15) 

Isidore was a simple Spanish farmer who worked his entire life for the same man. From the time he was young, he prayed unceasingly and had a deep devotion to God. He was often seen praying as he plowed the fields, and he spent much time in church praying. He married a woman who also became a saint, and they had one son, who died as a small child. Despite this heartache, Isidore never lost his faith. 

Isidore also had immense compassion for the poor, and he and his wife would frequently take them food and pray with them. It is also said that he had the ability to make food multiply. He died peacefully in 1130 and is thought of as one of the five great Spanish saints because of his holiness and his love for others. 

Though Isidore was a simple man, his profound faith had a great impact on everyone who knew him.  

Can we say the same for ourselves? When we see someone in need, do we serve that need, as Isidore did? Christ calls us to love and serve others, yet sometimes it is a difficult thing to do. So how do we use Isidore’s example to help us live a pro-life life?  




St. Andrew Bobola (May 16) 

Andrew was born in Poland in 1591 to a very devout family and was educated by the Jesuits. As he grew, he developed a love for teaching the word of God and desired to become a priest. When he was ordained, he felt called to bring people to the Church and back to the Church, as many had been influenced by a great schism going on in the East. 

Andrew spent his life traveling and teaching others about Christ. Witnesses and friends said he was “on fire” to save souls. He is responsible for saving countless souls and for bringing thousands of people to the Church. 

In 1657, Andrew was captured by enemies of the faith and brutally tortured until he died. 

According to Pope Pius XII, “[Andrew] did not merely restore and strengthen the faith of the Christians, languishing and on the verge of collapse, but roused them also to weep for their own sins, to settle their disputes, to heal their divisions, to restore true morality.” 

It’s a beautiful goal, isn’t it—to be the peacemaker and to help restore morality in our homes and communities? We can use Andrew’s example to set our own souls “on fire” for our faith.  


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It’s our godly actions that make us heroes. #CatholicMom


We hear the word “hero” bandied about a lot today, but many have a skewed idea of what a true here is. It’s not acting in a movie, rushing for hundreds of yards, or hitting a ball farther than anyone else. It’s our godly actions that make us heroes. It’s the things we do to shine the light of Christ to others and to bring others closer to Him. It is our steadfast faith. 

These things may not change the world, but they change someone’s world. And these are the things we must do every day to show others that we cannot live a good life without God. 



Copyright 2023 Susan Ciancio
Images: (top, bottom) Canva; Photo: Andreas Praefcke, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; St. Isidore the Farmer, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons; St. Andrew Bobola mosaic, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons