Nicole Johnson learned an important lesson about faith from the one houseplant she's managed to keep alive.
You know how some people are really good with plants? They feed them, prune them, give them their time in the sun— even talk to them from time to time. Green-thumbers, I believe they are called. Yeah, that’s not me. In fact, that is about as opposite from me as you can get. I actually don’t care for plants or flowers of any kind inside my house. Outside is fine, but inside they just feel like clutter to me.
I have one plant in my house and mostly just because I liked the container so much, I needed a resident to justify using it. I chose the plant based on the simple fact that I like the shape of the leaves. Anyway, here’s the thing. I’m reactive in caring for it. I don’t pay it any attention unless I see the nicely shaped leaves drooping—badly—like near death. I bring it to the brink of death and then I water it.
Although I deserve nothing less than the plant giving up and shriveling into a dried brown mess, this thing comes back to me every time. And it's not a weak effort of simply putting some arch back into its leaves and showing a baseline sign of life. This loyal plant actually goes so far as to bloom for me from time to time. I’m undeserving—but grateful all the same.
I do wonder what this plant might look like if I gave it the care it needs to be all it was meant to be. I’m guessing it would have grown out of its container by now and assume it would be covered in blooms more often than not.
There are not many things in life that give you much more than what you deserve and respond immediately at the first sign of attention and care. That reminds me of a story I once heard about a mustard seed and a little thing called faith.
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Copyright 2024 Nicole Johnson
Images: (top) Canva; (bottom) copyright 2024 Nicole Johnson, all rights reserved
About the Author

Nicole Johnson
Wife to a guy she adores and mom to two grown sons and a teenage daughter brought home through the gift of adoption, Nicole loves people and writes to connect with others. To be vulnerable with one another is to grow. Her messy and miraculous faith journey is told in her memoir, My Unexpected Journey, My Surprising Joy. Nicole blogs at NicoleJenniferJohnson.com.