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In a time of darkness, Maria V. Gallagher focuses on the light.

It was one of those days when I felt the darkness envelop me like a cape. The litany of news headlines on cable television seemed especially dire…the forecast for world events looked bleak.

As I drove home on my evening commute, the sky, fittingly, was pitch-black — except for a sliver of light cast by the descending sun. It was quite the stark sight, as if the sky was burnt embers on one side and rays of hope on the other.

A thought erupted in my mind: focus on the light. It seemed as if I had been preoccupied lately with darkness—in the news, on social media, in struggles both personal and professional. There was no shortage of dire reports all around. And yet, an inspiration (could it be from God?) made me re-evaluate my perspective.

Focus on the light, I thought again.

Isn’t this what the Gospel message is all about? It is, after all, “Good News.” Is it any wonder that the Christ Child comes to us in the deep darkness of winter — exactly when we need Him most?

The Gospel of John comes to my mind: Chapter 1, verse 5:

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


No amount of worldly strife can overcome the light of Christ. It shines forth boldly and optimistically, attracting us with its beauty and brightness. The light of Christ flames in you and it exists in me too — sometimes, it may be difficult to find, but it is always there, a reassuring presence, especially in these tumultuous times.

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I admit that finding the light within can be a daunting task. When the world is rocked by violence and chaos…when a pandemic prevents us from seeing the people we love … when household duties appear to be overwhelming…it is far too easy to succumb to the darkness.

But Christians are a people of abiding hope. In the midst of our struggles, nothing can cancel out the love of Christ. It is abundant and brave and life-giving, and it will never fail us.


Christians are a people of abiding hope. In the midst of our struggles, nothing can cancel out the love of Christ. #catholicmom

As a child, one of my favorite yuletide activities was sitting beside the Christmas tree at night, when the lights were aglow. I could feel a warmth of spirit that brought me peace and happiness. Any difficulties I had to endure seemed to melt away in the radiance of that light.

This Christmas, many of us are facing hardships we never imagined possible. The crosses are real, and the pain that accompanies them should not be minimized. But I encourage you to focus on the light of Christ, for there you can find a peace and joy which surpass all understanding.

The darkness of these days can never conquer that incredible light.    

Copyright 2021 Maria V. Gallagher
Image: Joanna Kosinska (2016), Unsplash