Gilda Rosa Kalathil reviews a new book of children's Christmas stories by Fr. Edward Looney.
Fr. Looney’s Christmas Stories, written by Fr. Edward Looney and Illustrated by Ayan Mansoori, is a wonderful book for kids aged 4-10 years. It is the Christmas story written from two different perspectives. My kids, ages 4 and 6, had a lovely time examining the pictures and intently watched the stories unfold. I like a book where I can ask my kids reflective questions about the characters and what they would have done in the situation, or what the characters might do after, and this book has ample opportunities to explore and enjoy in that way too.
The first story in Fr. Looney’s Christmas Stories, "Breakfast in Bethlehem," is set in our present-day modern context. It allows us to go through the story of the Nativity from a boy’s perspective after he attends midnight Mass. Since no name is given to the boy, the little readers can even imagine themselves as the writer. I especially love the little bits of information interwoven in the story itself. For example, the reader learns the meaning of "Gloria in excelsis deo." The drummer boy offering all he had is also a vivid memory. Even the innkeeper has more of a role than just offering the stable. The explanations presented are simply put in a way a child can understand without missing out on the real meaning of Christmas. The symbolic reference to the bread as the body and blood of Christ is also shared wonderfully in this story.
In the second story, "Flowers from a Shepherd Boy," we meet a shepherd boy who meets the three Magi and then Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus on their way to Egypt. The image of the boy carrying Jesus while Mary eats lunch is a beautiful image and makes the story relatable. There is repeated reference to joy experienced in the presence of the Holy Family and of the Magi after meeting the Child Jesus. This makes an incredible point to bring to life, the gift of the season: Joy!
Overall, Fr. Looney’s Christmas Stories makes for a great book to introduce the Christmas story to young kids. But as my kids already know the story of Christmas, this book allows us to go deeper into the significance of the event. The only different thing I would have done in this book was to have a little girl in one of the stories. Nevertheless, we have been enjoying it as bedtime reading, going to sleep dreaming about the first Christmas.
Fr. Looney's Christmas Stories is available in paperback from Amazon.com.
Copyright 2022 Gilda Rose Kalathil
Images: Canva
About the Author

Gilda Rose Kalathil
Gilda Rose Kalathil prefers being called Daughter of the King. A Psychologist and Parenting Coach, she founded Faith Blocks, a ministry for Catholic families with little ones. She is wife and mom to two little ones. Other than adventure sports and swimming, Gilda loves and indulges herself in all things art. And she can’t say no to chocolate. You can reach out to her at FaithBlocks.co.