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Barb Szyszkiewicz recommends Amy J. Cattapan's new book as an encouraging gift for teachers at the end of the school year.

Catholic Mom contributing writer Amy J. Cattapan combines her gift for encouraging teachers with the Church’s gift of the Communion of Saints in A Saint Squad for Teachers: 45 Heavenly Friends to Carry You Through the School Year, a powerful book that will help teachers do more than just get through the rest of the year.




Amy has assembled a saint squad with the usual suspects: Thomas Aquinas, Don Bosco, Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, and Elizabeth Ann Seton as well as some saints whose connection to teaching is surprisingly strong: Charles Lwanga, Bernadette, Servant of God Thea Bowman, and Blessed Solanus Casey are among the 45 “heavenly friends” teachers can call upon for encouragement, strength, and inspiration.

Reflection questions at the end of each chapter invite teachers, homeschoolers, and catechists to consider what they can learn from the example of each of these exemplars. Whether you’re looking for help getting creative, building relationships, dealing with challenging students, advocating for change and justice, going above and beyond, teaching in tough times and times of crisis, embracing lifelong learning, persevering in prayer, or following your vocation, Amy can introduce you to saints who will help you along the way. 

This is the time of year when parents think about a small but meaningful gift for their children's teachers and catechists. Amy will be the first to tell you that teachers do not need any more coffee mugs ... and as the daughter of a teacher, the sister of a teacher, and a former teacher myself, I can confirm that. Instead, why not wrap up a copy of A Saint Squad for Teachers, and maybe include a gift card to a local coffee shop as a bookmark? This book will be appreciated long after the coffee is gone.

Ask for A Saint Squad for Teachers at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Ave Maria Press.




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Copyright 2024 Barb Szyszkiewicz
Images: Canva
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