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Elizabeth Estrada shares her hope that our participation in the Eucharistic Revival will touch hearts that hunger for the Bread of Life.

Over the last year I have been hearing about the Eucharistic Revival that the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) thought was necessary for Catholics today. I know that every time I think that only 31 percent of Catholics that believe that the Lord is truly present in the Eucharist, my heart breaks. Shouldn’t it be 100 percent? 

How is it possible that only very few of us believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist? Perhaps that is why this revival is taking place all over the United States. This is the second year in a three-year plan that hopes to resurge a love for the Eucharist. 

The USCCB has done a wonderful job of creating a website that has everything you need to know about the revival. One of my favorite parts of EucharisticRevival.org is that you can register for free to have access to wonderful videos about the Eucharist and its importance and so much more.  

The videos are divided into sections such as Mary and the Eucharist, information designed for kids, and the biblical roots of the Eucharist, just to name a few. 




God has given me the grace to have a deep love for the Eucharist that has grown over the last nine years. My favorite place to visit is the 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration chapel that is about 20 minutes away from my house. When I leave, I am recharged to face the world. 

This mission is bittersweet for me, because shouldn’t every Catholic believe that Jesus is truly present? Are Catholics receiving our Lord without believing? This crisis is one that can change how our faith is taught and passed on to future generations. 


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How is it possible that only very few of us believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist? #CatholicMom


I think that letting others know about the revival is a wonderful way to be a part of the mission. We can’t assume that every parish is sharing this information with their parishioners. 

Some of my family members had not heard anything about it yet and their parish is very active. My hope is that now that you know about the revival the Holy Spirit will move you to visit the website. 

Hopefully, if we do our part there won’t be a need for more revivals in the future. 



Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Estrada
Images: copyright 2023 Holy Cross Family Ministries, all rights reserved.