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Charlene Rack shares how she came to appreciate the little reminders of God's love that are all around her.

I’ve had the unique experience, occurring for a few years now, of God “telling me” that He loves me. It randomly started one night, when I finished praying my Divine Mercy Chaplet in bed, followed by my personal prayer to Jesus (which I say regularly throughout the day, and use as my closing prayer at night). A thought came into my head shortly after. The first time it happened, I thought it was just my imaginative wheels spinning, but now I know better. As I’m dozing off, I “hear” these words, “I love you, too, Charlene.”

I’ve come to understand that God is replying to me in my mind. Up until now, I’ve kept this interaction to myself, because, let’s face it, people who claim to hear God speaking to them often get raised eyebrows at best, or community shunning at worst. But, I say, “I love you” to Jesus and the Holy Trinity so often during the day, it makes sense to me that God decided to respond in kind. Now it’s an established, regular exchange between God and me. It’s a lovely gift, so incredibly hopeful and encouraging.  

This got me to thinking of how I’ve always, since I was a little girl, noticed heart shapes in nature, most often in rocks (only because I love walking in creeks and on sandy shores looking for cool rocks), but also in flowers or clouds or on male hummingbirds as they sit on my feeder and the sun hits them and turns their throats bright crimson. The bleeding heart flower is the most obvious plant that comes to mind, but this summer, my hardy mum emerged earlier than usual, with the foliage in a distinct heart shape.  




The mum heart, (which is “guarded” by our Mary statue), caught me by surprise, when I noticed the size and shape of it in early spring. And, of course, I just had to take a photo of it! Sometimes I simply accept the gift, but occasionally, when I’m feeling hurt or lonely, tears will flow down my face, as I recognize these encounters with God for what they are. God is always communicating with me, in one way or another, and if my heart is properly focused, I will “hear” or see it. 


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God loves you so very much, and He will tell you, if you only open your heart and mind. #CatholicMom


You’ve witnessed God’s love, too, I know, in a beautiful sunrise after a “dark night.” You’ve heard it, with a thought in your mind, or in church bells echoing from a country church. You’ve felt it in your own love for a precious newborn.

Don’t ignore it; don’t think yourself crazy. God communicates with us in so many ways, in our thoughts, through Scripture passages and other books, often through the kind words of a friend, or from a priest during Confession. Don’t question it—just gratefully accept it, knowing that you are on God’s mind at every moment. He loves you so very much, and He will tell you, if you only open your heart and mind.

Heighten all of your senses this summer. Be on the lookout for the love that The Holy Trinity has to share with you! It’s all around you, never failing, never ending, the most powerful and reliable love we’ll ever know. Gather it in, and be renewed. 


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Copyright 2023 Charlene Rack
Images: copyright 2023 Charlene Rack, all rights reserved.