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Meg Herriot reviews Hugh O’Flaherty: The Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis, a new book for middle-grade readers from Ignatius Press.

Hugh O’Flaherty: The Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis was a well-written book that I read together with my 10-year-old son. I am glad we read this together, as any book that is World War II genre is probably best done with parental supervision. I have already read a couple of books about Monsignor O’Flaherty and I think this was by far the best. It was also great I could share the story with my son. 


Hugh OFlaherty


The author, Fiorella de Maria, did a great job at making Monsignor O’Flaherty accessible. From his love of golf and sense of humor and value on friendship, both my son and I were able to relate to him. While there were some intense parts that my son and I needed to talk about as they came up (some of the atrocities in Italy and in concentration camps were mentioned), the book was tactfully written. I wouldn’t recommend a tween read this on his or her own as it is rather difficult material to read. This was a great story of moral character, overcoming challenges and being true to the Faith, no matter how risky the circumstances.  

I am looking forward to periodically reading this book with my son to re-enforce these values. As evidence of how engaging this book was, at one point while reading, we got interrupted and I just had to read ahead. As soon as my son was able to return, he was engrossed and had to catch up to where I was and could not be interrupted. A great story about a great and holy man. My family recommends and enjoys this book but I would recommend parental guidance for younger or naïve kids based on the subject. 

Ask for Hugh O’Flaherty: The Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Ignatius Press.




Copyright 2023 Meg Herriot
Images: Canva
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