Nicole Berlucchi ponders the humility of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men — and what we can learn this Christmas.
This Advent I have been thinking a lot about the shepherds and magi, about the humility they had to have to come upon a baby, a tiny 5-10 lb. baby and worship Him as a king. We forget that these aren’t people who have been celebrating Christmas for thousands of years. Homes weren’t decked with wreaths, lights and stockings. This first Christmas they didn’t have years of Christians reminding them of why this day is so important. No, they were the first celebrators of Christmas and didn’t even really know it.
The first “celebrators” of Christmas
What did the first “celebrators” of Christmas do? They went where angels told them to go. They followed a star. They worshipped and offered praise and glory to God.
Can I have humility like this? Humility enough to leave my work behind and go worship Jesus as king. Humility enough to go the distance I need to go to find Him and offer my gifts to Him this Christmas.
Can I have humility like this? Humility enough to listen to God’s messenger rather than return the way I came. Humility enough to praise and glorify God after He gives me the opportunity to experience His physical presence in the Eucharist. Humility enough to follow the “stars” God is using to lead me to Him.
Mary and Joseph’s humility
This led into me thinking about Mary and Joseph receiving these two very different groups of people in the most unlikely of circumstances. And not only receiving them, receiving them after being rejected around town, after having to welcome Jesus, the Messiah, in the strangest of circumstances — away from their hometown and in a shelter for animals.
Can I have humility like this? Humility to receive unexpected visitors into my messy home regardless of what holiday stress has arisen. Humility to accept gifts even if I have nothing to offer in return. Humility to receive those visitors whether they have great means or meager means.
Can I have humility like this? Humility to not begrudge a crowded Church because of the CEOs (Christmas Easter Only) as our old pastor used to call them. Humility to realize everyone wants to get out of the Church parking lot to their festivities as much as I do. Humility enough to take time to say Merry Christmas to some of the unfamiliar faces in the Church.
Can I have humility like this? Humility enough to know that Jesus among us is what really matters.
I hope this Christmas we can have the humility of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the magi, whether we are sitting with Jesus, looking for Jesus, welcoming Jesus, or praising Jesus. I hope this orientation towards our Lord and Savior, in turn, allows us to sit with others, look for Him in others, welcome others and express our gratitude to others, whether strangers or friends.
I hope this Christmas each of us can have the humility to recognize Jesus in the small and great things because I know He will come to us in the most unexpected ways when we open our hearts and let Love be born and glorified once again this Christmas.
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Copyright 2024 Nicole Berlucchi
Images: Canva
About the Author

Nicole Berlucchi
Nicole Berlucchi is a wife, mom of four, and author of Magnify Love: Unlocking the Heart of Jesus in Your Life and Your Marriage, living in the Nashville, TN area. Devoted to Jesus and Mary, she finds the Eucharist, Adoration and the Rosary to be a continuous source of light and life for her spiritual journey. Find her at NicoleBerlucchi.com or on Instagram @berlucchiwriting.