Jake Frost reflects on the real treasure of life: the people we share our lives with.
One of the things I love about being from a big family is the back-up.
I’ve got lots of sibs to call on for support when I need it. And they always come through.
Need a little extra cash? We got you, bro.
Could use a prayer? Send out the text and you can fairly hear the heavens rumble with prayers rolling in.
Tech problems, car problems, or just needing a good laugh? I got people for that.
And people to share the happy moments with, too. People to celebrate with who are genuinely glad when good things come my way.
Improve your odds
Once I heard a quote attributed to Lou Holtz that went something like: “Never tell your problems to anyone ... 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.”
But that doesn’t count your family. Add them into the mix, and you can improve your points. The more family, the better your odds!
And having more people in your life who care about you and are rooting for you — and actually willing to help you any way they can — well, that’s what they call a Blessing.
It’s a blessing I thank my parents for all the time. I can’t believe I get to be in such a great family, with such amazing people doing so many amazing things.
A lasting treasure
I hope for the same for my kids. I hope they will always be there for each other, long after I’m gone.
I already warned them: I ain’t got no money, so prepare to make your own way in the world; a person can’t give what they don’t have, and I’ve got nothing to leave you when I’m gone.
Except family.
So while they’ll have to make their own ways in the world, they won’t have to do it alone. They’ll have each other.
And the good people they can find and gather around them as they go. Those relationships with family and friends are the real, lasting treasure of life, an eternal treasure that survives the ups and downs of markets and interest rates and storms and accidents. It’s the treasure that will be with us long after all that the thief can steal and the moth destroy is long gone.
The people in our lives are a gift, a treasure, and an unending source of joy.
I hope my kids will always have that!
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Copyright 2024 Jake Frost
Images: Canva
About the Author
Jake Frost
Jake Frost is a husband, father of five, attorney, and author of seven books, including the fantasy novel The Light of Caliburn (winner of an honorable mention from the Catholic Media Association), collections of humorous family stories ( Catholic Dad and Catholic Dad 2), poetry (most recently the award winning Wings Upon the Unseen Gust), and a children’s book he also illustrated, The Happy Jar.